

Last seen: 4 jours il y a Actif depuis 2012

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  • Cody 5th Anniversary Finisher
  • Cody Challenge Master
  • CUP Challenge Master
  • Magic Numbers II Master
  • Famous
  • Computational Geometry II Master
  • Number Manipulation II Master
  • Computational Geometry IV Master
  • Number Manipulation I Master
  • Project Euler I
  • Introduction to MATLAB Master
  • Matrix Manipulation III Master

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A résolu

Sum the reciprocals of polygonal numbers
As explained in Cody Problem 60571, a polygonal number is the number of dots arranged in the shape of a regular polygon. For exa...

7 jours il y a

A résolu

Complete a 2nd order difference sequence
In Cody Problem 59791 ChrisR asks us to find the integer that completes a randomly sorted geometric sequence with one missing el...

14 jours il y a

A résolu

Pronounce digits
Given a number num, select the first d decimal places and pronounce the digits (in English). The function returns the pronunciat...

18 jours il y a

A résolu

Remove Adjacent Pairs
Given an array of integers where adjacent elements may be identical, your task is to remove these adjacent pairs. If removing on...

18 jours il y a

A résolu

List primes of the form xy+z
Consider three consecutive integers , , and . When is the number prime? For example, if or , then the results are 17 and 37, ...

22 jours il y a

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Perimeter of a Koch snowflake
A Koch snowflake is an iteratively generated (fractal) shape built out of successively smaller equilateral triangles by followin...

23 jours il y a

A résolu

Find polygonal numbers that are Blum integers
A polygonal number is the number of dots arranged in the shape of a regular polygon. For example, 15 is a triangular number beca...

28 jours il y a

A résolu

Determine whether a number is a Blum integer
A Blum integer is a semiprime—that is, the product of two distinct primes—whose factors have the form for some integer . The nu...

environ un mois il y a

A résolu

Jigsaw 001: Intro 2x2 square. Pieces 128x128
This challenge is to re-assemble camerman.tif in grayscale from four 128x128 pieces into a 256x256 image. The pointer layou...

environ un mois il y a

A résolu

Compute the totient summatory function
Cody Problem 656 deals with the totient function, denoted by which counts the numbers less than that are relatively prime to ....

environ un mois il y a

A résolu

Compute the number of squares a knight can reach after n moves
Several Cody problems involve knights from chess. They have asked players to find a knight’s tour in a matrix (CP 96), determine...

environ un mois il y a

A résolu

Compute Farey sequences
Problem statement The Farey sequence of order consists of fractions between 0 and 1 expressed in reduced form in increasing or...

environ un mois il y a

A résolu

Secret Message and Acrostic
One of the simplest ways to hide a message involves utilizing uppercase letters. Given a text, collect all uppercase letters in...

environ 2 mois il y a

A résolu

Reversing Maximal Ascending Subsequences
Create and return a new array that contains the same elements as the input array, but with the elements within each strictly inc...

environ 2 mois il y a

A résolu

Largest Rectangle Area in a Histogram
Given a histogram represented by an array of integers, e.g., [2, 1, 4, 5, 1, 3, 3] : find the maximum area of a rectangle tha...

environ 2 mois il y a

A résolu

Calculating the Union Area of Overlapping Rectangles
Calculate the area covered by a union of multiple rectangles. Each rectangle is represented by 4 integers: the first two integer...

environ 2 mois il y a

A résolu

Project Euler: Problem 18, Maximum path sum I
By starting at the top of the triangle below and moving to adjacent numbers on the row below, the maximum total from top to bott...

environ 2 mois il y a

A résolu

Alert a city about a spill
Problem statement Cody Problem 54750 involved determining the length of a stream affected by a spill of a contaminant. Any muni...

environ 2 mois il y a

A résolu

Next Lower Power of B
Given a number _n_ and a base _B_ greater than 1, return the lowest integer power of _B_ that is less than or equal to _n_. E...

environ 2 mois il y a

A résolu

Compute a sequence with the whyphi sieve
A few problems on Cody involve sieving. For example, Cody Problem 45367 involves the famous Sieve of Eratosthenes. CP 50811uses ...

environ 2 mois il y a

A résolu

Compute the area of a Q
A figure resembling a Q (as in “quadrature”) is constructed in the following way: A right triangle is drawn with the left vertex...

2 mois il y a

A résolu

List the smallest numbers with n distinct prime factors
The author of a book I am reading asked a mathematician what it feels like to be sixty. He wrote He replied, “Sixty, sandwiched...

2 mois il y a

A résolu

Find primes and integers that solve an equation
Write a function to find all primes and non-negative integers that solve the equation where is an integer. If there are no...

2 mois il y a

A résolu

Determine whether a property description closes
The arrival of summer makes think back to the summers I spent working for my father’s engineering firm. For the first several s...

2 mois il y a

A résolu

Classify numbers as abundant, deficient, or perfect
A number is perfect if the sum of its proper divisors (i.e., divisors excluding the number itself) is equal to itself. For examp...

2 mois il y a

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Family Savings Analysis
Given the bank accounts of individuals defined by a list of tuples containing the last name, first name, and savings: accounts ...

2 mois il y a

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Hofstadter Q sequence
The Hofstadter G sequence is defined as follows: The first elements of the sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6. Write ...

2 mois il y a

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Travel a path
In Cody Problem 60251, minnolina asks us to determine the end point given a string indicating unit movements forward, backward, ...

2 mois il y a

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Add non-triangular numbers
The nth triangular number is the sum of the first n positive integers. The sequence of triangular numbers starts 1, 3, 6, 10, 15...

2 mois il y a

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Compute the area of a lune
Write a function to compute the area of the shaded moon-shaped region in the figure below—that is, the area of a smaller circle ...

2 mois il y a

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