Abhiram Bhanuprakash
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I am an engineer at the MathWorks.
I have done my Master's in Signal Processing from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
I love singing and listening, especially Karnatik classical music.
Professional Interests: signal processing
DISCLAIMER: Any advice or opinions posted here are my own, and in no way reflect that of MathWorks.
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Reverse the effects of a Chebyshev type 2 filter on a 1-d sound file.
Hi Lucas, Since you obtain the numerator and denominator coefficients using 'cheby2', I think you can reverse this effect by ...
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How to search excel document to find string and return number of row?
Hi Peter, For your requirement, I think you can use the raw data given as output by xlsread. In your example, if you execu...
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Loop on changing databases
Hi Alexandra, Yes you can do this using xlsread to read from different Excel files. The structure of the code would look like...
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Creating a matrix of first-order partial correlation coefficients from a correlation matrix
Hi Jeong Ho, There is a function in Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox called partialcorri which gives partial correlati...
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Determinant of a transfer function matrix
Hi Carlos, Since the transfer function is a matrix in 's', you can use Symbolic Math Toolbox to evaluate the determinant of 1...
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how can I make the signalbuilder run
Hi Ahmed, You can use the sim command to run any Simulink model using command line API. Documentation <http://www.mathworks.c...
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How to bin a large amount of data
Hi Akhil, From what I understand, I think you are looking to create a two-dimensional (bivariate) histogram in MATLAB. The...
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Signal Normalization for cross correlation
Hi Mustafa, Since in your case you are doing a cross-correlation between a signal and its own shifted version, to simplify th...
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How to open Polyspace results with command line?
Hi Jorg, I found a <http://www.mathworks.com/help/bugfinder/ug/run-analysis-from-the-command-line.html documentation page> wh...
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How to generate random positive semi-definite matrix with ones at the diagonal positions?
Hi Mr. M, I went through the code in the File Exchange submission 'RandomCorr.m' which you mentioned. I could see that, in...
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How to set an uicontextmenu onto a uipushtool
Hi Daniel, I understand that you need a uicontextmenu for a uipushtool. But I don't understand the reason why you need this. ...
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how to make a sine function that generate plot of sine with our requried inputs
Hi Muhammad, I have written a partial code, assuming your main question is how to handle optional input arguments in MATLAB. ...
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Blurry Text and Lines in Graph
Hi, From the screenshots, I do not see much of a change in the text and lines, and it doesn't look like it is fuzzy to me. Ho...
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Command 'hold on' does not work for boxplot when overlapping a figure
Hi Christina, I think this behaviour is because boxplot resets the axes limits, and you are not setting them back to see both...
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how can plot such a signal s(-t-5)?
Hi sH, I think your approach is right, and it accounts for the Y axis values. But, for the X axis indices, I think you sho...
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What is the difference between the Distrib_Comp_Engine and Distrib_Computing_Toolbox licenses?
Hi Michael, I guess the difference between the two is: Distrib_Computing_Toolbox = Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT) Dis...
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How can I xlswrite to a new line in an excel file?
Hello Dr. ARK, I see two approaches to solve this issue: 1. You can use <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/xlsread....
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Find the max amplitude of Frequency from text file
Hi Vu, In your case, since you have only text data (without character strings), I think you can save your data into a CSV fil...
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Why doesn't the quiver object property MaxHeadSize work?
Hi Kevin, I tried the following in MATLAB R2015a and it worked: q = quiver(1:10,1:10); %Observe the figure after doing ...
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PI Tuning for Field Oriented Control
Hi hcuong, I could find a page from MathWorks which has resources for learning how to automatically tune PID controller gains...
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How to convert a data Table from .mat to .csv
Hi Agnese, Guessing from the title of your question, I think you want to load a MAT file into the MATLAB workspace and conver...
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Is there a way to bypass including the MCR and downloading the MCR in your package and still be able to build a package in R2014b?
Hi Tommie, MCR (MATLAB Compiler Runtime) is required to be installed on the machine on which you deploy the application. This...
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Save text file to a specific folder
Hi Frederico, In the documentation for fopen <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2015a/matlab/ref/fopen.html here> , you...
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runsqlscript Error with ODBC Connection
Hi Ahmed, As of now, the 'runsqlscript' method does not exist for the database.ODBCConnection class in Database Toolbox. T...
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How to pass an output from a function to be processed in another function
Hi Monty, I think one way of solving this would be to use a kind of 'main' function. You may name it whatever you like, fo...
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Convert a simple C code to matlab
Hi H-H, I am sorry I cannot write the code for you, but I can point to to some MATLAB functions I know which could achieve wh...
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Indexing concatenated matricies without changing the order
Hi Elia, I guess you can use the 'ones' and 'size' functions to do this. In your case, inside the 'while' loop, you can do...
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I am working on neural networks using matlab 2011
Hi, I was able to see the updated net. I think you feel that it is not updated since you do not see the fields like dimension...
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About increasing the output duration of a signal generator
Hi Amrutha, I think the issue is occurring because you have limited the scope display data points to the last x samples (wher...
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Is raised cosine filter (rcosdesign) in R2013a student edition?
Hi David, I think you are right. If a function does not appear in the documentation, then it is not present in the toolbox...
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