Pruthvi teja - MATLAB Central

Pruthvi teja

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Produce a sine wave
Produce a sine wave with amplitude 3: <<>>

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Connect blocks in a model
Connect the blocks in the model to produce the following signal: <<

plus de 8 ans il y a

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Matlab Basics II - squares
Write a function that takes matrix A, and squares each element in the matrix example: A = [1 2 3] output = [1 4 9]

presque 10 ans il y a

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Declaring a character
* Assign middleInitial with the character T.

presque 10 ans il y a

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Fibonacci-Sum of Squares
Given the Fibonacci sequence defined by the following recursive relation, * F_n = F_(n-1) + F_(n-2) * where F_0 = 0 and F_1 ...

presque 10 ans il y a

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Answer the question and the correct answer write in vector. Only one answer is correct. 1a Yes 1b No 1c No 1d No ...

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Find the maximum two numbers of every column of a matrix
Find the maximum two numbers of every column of a matrix. Example: If we input a matrix A = [ 1 2 4 6 0 3 ...

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Add 7
Given an input variable x, output a variable y that is 7 greater than x. Example: Input x = 1 Output y is 8 Input ...

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Linear system solve
Solve a linear set of equations as described in the following link:

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Find out value of sine given by degree.
Find out value of sine given by degree. If theta=30, it's value must be 0.5.

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Power supply: 230V to 115V
The problem is simple: we have a wall outlet which supplies 230V and an apparatus that requires 115V. Software is always chea...

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Sums with Excluded Digits
Add all the integers from 1 to n in which the digit m does not appear. m will always be a single digit integer from 0 to 9. no...

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Make a Palindrome Number
Some numbers like 323 are palindromes. Other numbers like 124 are not. But look what happens when we add that number to a revers...

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Remove the Zero
Given an array n, remove all zeros

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Variable Assignment
Complete the ? part by assigning myExamScore with 100.

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Power of n ?
Determine if _x_ (positive integer) is a power of _n_, return true or false accordingly.

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Array of Ones
Create a 100 X 100 array of ones.

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Number Persistence
A number's persistence is the number of steps required to reduce it to a single digit by multiplying all its digits to obtain a ...

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Calculate compression ratio of engine
Calculate compression ratio of engine given compression volume of cylinder(Vc), piston stroke(s) and valve diameter(d)

environ 10 ans il y a

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Decoding : Find the value
'u' in the function below is of type char or string and 'v' is of type int or double. function y = your_fcn_name( u, v) ...

environ 10 ans il y a

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Reverse the input
Given an input (n), produce an output in the reverse order with out using string variables or string function. Example x ...

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Character variable: Compass direction
* Assign compassDirection with sensorReading's value. Both are character variables.

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Remove element(s) from cell array
You can easily remove an element (or a column in any dimension) from a normal matrix, but assigning that value (or range) empty....

environ 10 ans il y a

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Create an anti-identity matrix
Create an anti-identity matrix of given dimension. Examples n = 2 A = [0 1; 1 0] n = 3 A = [0 0 1; 0 1 0; 1 0 0...

environ 10 ans il y a

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Append two matrix as shown below example
Append two matrix as shown below example A=[1 2; 3 4] and B=[5 6;7 8] Answer must be 1 2 5 6 3...

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Fahrenheit to Celsius using multiple statements
°C = (°F - 32) x 5/9 * Write a statement that assigns fractionalMultiplier with 5/9. * Write a second statement that assign...

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Plus x: A first program
_Solve this problem in Mathwork's online Cody system._ Write a statement that assigns y with 5 plus x. Ex: If input x = 2,...

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Pi Estimate 1
Estimate Pi as described in the following link: <>

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Possible Outcomes of American Roulette
The payout for American roulette can be calculated by: payout = (38/n)-1 where n is the number of squares the bet covers. ...

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Calculate Alcohol By Volume with Original and Final Gravity
Given an initial gravity of un-fermented wort (OG) and a final gravity of fermented wort (FG), better known as beer, it is possi...

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