
Andriy Kavetsky

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I'm student of Applied Mathematics at Ivan Franko National University.


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Why bvp4c not works?
I have an error in using bvp4c, my result is wrong My task is to solve 3*y"+2*y'=x y(0)=-2 y(1)=6 my matlab c...

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Réponse apportée
Hi. Anyone can help me? please.
Maybe this will help you) C=0:20:100 F=9/5*C+32

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Réponse apportée
write script( a for loop that multiplies all evens numbers from 2 to 10)
x=2:10; x=x(mod(x,2)==0) res=1; s=size(x) for i=1:s(1) for j=1:s(2) res=res*x(i,j); end end

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How to convert decimal matrix matrix into binary matrix?
Use dec2base(a,2) command to get string array of binary numbers and str2num(dec2base(a,2)) to convert string into numbers

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How do I format the screen output?
Maybe you will find some useful information there

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replace zeros according to distribution of integers in each column
You can try this n=10; or n=5; and x(x==0)=randi(n)

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how to write determinant of n*n matrix by myself?
Look at this site.

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Réponse apportée
Find minimum y value of vectors
If you write for i=1:10; t=i, then you would'nt get vector because t=10, maybe you should write t(i)=i for creating an vector an...

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Réponse apportée
How to Specify Symbolic Variable Using Symbolic Toolbox
You should specify the variable theta_1 using next command >> syms theta_1

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Where can i find the MWArray.dll - file?
You should find the path like in example C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009b\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\bin\win64\v2.0 or briefly sp...

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Réponse apportée
How to get second derivative in symblolic toolbox?
You should determine x and t as syms x t and use diff command diff(cos(x*t^2)+x^2+4*t^3),t,2); t, 2 means second derivative by t...

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