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removing ticks on top and right axes
Hi Reddy Yettapu, it is not possible to control the top and right axis separately. You can add the desired behavior manually wi...
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Extracting the name of my cell array to use for figure titles
Hi Christian Bundschu, Have a look for structure arrays (struct()). With structure arrays you can manage your cell arrays not a...
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add ylim and xlim only in the magnitude response of bode plot?
Hi SimTec, If you are using bodeplot, you can have a look at bodeoptions()-command. There you can set the axis limits. Kind re...
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Why figure doesn't render properly? (Opengl painters)
Hi Simone Cotta Ramusion, as suspected I could reproduce the smoothing at the edges. Setting smoothing off, eliminates the shad...
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how to make a vertical plot?
Hi Ebru Ozcan, have a look at the viewing options of the axes. clear all; clc; close all; r=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0 0 0 0...
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My plot command produces a blank graph, why?
Hi Spencer, Your plot contains a single point. You can make it visible with 'o' extension: % Clear everything and close everyt...
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issue with MATLAB figure
Hi Aymen Zreikat, Please have a look at the export function you use. I recommend to use print() since it comes with several con...
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How to combine two arrays
Hi MIch, have a look in the documentation under language fundamentals --> reshape() a = [3 5 1]; b = [4 6 7]; c= reshape([...
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Select multiple radiobutton at the same time
Hi Ali, use uipanel() for the checkboxes and uibuttongroup() for the radiobuttons: myGUI; function myGUI(~) gui.fh = f...
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How can I create non-uniform color divisions in a Colorbar ?
Hi Varun Pai, you have to create your own colormap in order to have non-uniformly distributed colors. Due to your division of t...
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How to use Bar to plot two separate groups in the same plot??
Hi Serhat Misto, try to change XTickLabels in your axis: KPI = [ 3809 3902 3986 4063 4078 4097 4153 4243]; Inkomst = [274.6 2...
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How to delete the part above the white line in a contourf figure
Hi CoderMinga, you can set the values above the white line to NaN. Then, the data points will be displayed in white in the plot...
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How to insert a line over a heatmap using code?
Since the thread has be re-activated: Here, a solution for heatmap tested in Matlab 2021b. T = readtable('outages.csv'); h = ...
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How to insert vector to table?
Hi Sierra, if you want to save vectors in table elements you can use cell arrays: testTable = table; testTable.Sex = ['M';'M'...
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How to convert filter object to state space?
Hi tfg250, You missed to supply the sample frequency for your state space model. Converting the filter object for a time discre...
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Plotting matrix as spectrogram
Hi Sania Gul, The values you provide are not consistent. I assume your "audio" is a vector of a certain length N, sampled with ...
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Rename a struct with a fieldname of another struct
Hi Jan, it is good practice to load external data into a structure array such that the variable name is connected to the actual...
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Plot alternatively between uitab of two figures
Hi Jérôme, most problems occure when not using handles. Your subplot command does not adress the correct figure. I introduced t...
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Average column data with specific values
Hi Faustine Enos, I do not know how your data is available and what data type you chose. It is preferrable to use table type da...
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Merge two .fig figures side by side by connecting yaxes in matlab
Hi Apashanka Das, you can copy objects from figure to figure using copyobj(). A bit tricky is to write a generally working code...
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How to find the error between two plots and plot the error in same diagram
Hi Abdul Sajeed Mohammed, here some example that is close to what you do: % example data params (circular trajectory) R = 100...
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Finding root using Fixed point method
Hi Aryan Efty Sham, Have a look in the community forum. The method has been discussed several times already, e.g.
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Replace a syms command
Hi Sarah Gomez, I am not quite sure whether I understood you question correctly, but removing the syms j command is not suffici...
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How do I plot an equation with multiple Iterations.
Hi Heather Worth, you can store x1 each iteration in a vector and plot the vector at the end of the calculation. lambda=6.544;...
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How to display a number in a scientific notation in the plot?
Hi Vikash Pandey, have a look at the function num2eng from Mathworks File Exchange. You can change easily the tick label: fh =...
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How can I change a pixel image from black and white to red & blue
Hi Yik lok Chan, one way to do so is to utilize colormap()-command: corn_gray = imread('corn.tif',3); imshow(corn_gray) ...
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How to give a piecewise function as input
Hi Mehul kumar, Please, have a look here:
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save rows from an array
Hi samuel herrera, I guess, you would like to store the content of the cell array vo in vp1 and vp2, respectively. You have to ...
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Unintended plot while using the cylinder function
Hi Kevin Hanekom, it seems your vector PStress has two colums which are both interpreted as radius by the function cylinder and...
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