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check if a file exists
Starting in R2017b, you can use the "isfile" function to check if a file exists. For example: if isfile(filename) % File exists....
2 mois il y a | 64
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Cell conversion to double
To convert a cell array of character vectors to numbers, you can use the |str2double| function. This function is the simplest me...
2 mois il y a | 35
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How to write ASCII to byte file?
In MATLB versions until R2021a I could write ASCII values stored in a CHAR array into a string as unsigned char by: data = char...
4 mois il y a | 3 réponses | 2
réponsesTrying to ammend pathdef.m using the Set Path button on the Home bar.
If you want to modify the pathdef.m file for all users of the computer, start Matlab with admin or root privileges. Then overwri...
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need a script to rename and resort TIF files
Folder = 'C:\Users\Desktop\New folder\'; Files = dir(fullfile(Folder, '*.tif')); Keys = {'A', 'B'}; [~, name] = filepart...
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How to inclusively extract rows of a large cell array between cells given start and end patterns?
Why do you want to avoid loops? Reading the file completely to apply vectorized methods requires 8 GB of contiguous free RAM for...
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Find index of cells containing my string
Do you want to search for 'bla' within the text in each element of the cell array, or for elements that are 'bla' exactly? If yo...
plus d'un an il y a | 118
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Can I generalize a folder lookup location so that data can be accessed in more than one way?
The core of the problem is a messed up storage of files in a bunch of folders. Collecting the files in one shared folder would b...
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How do I close parallel button?
You can try: FEX: CmdWinTool CmdWinTool lean
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How can I select two out of 6 points for every page without loops?
n = 2; X = randi(40, 6, 3, n) mask = all(X >= 0 & X <= 30, 2) Y = reshape(X(cat(2, mask, mask, mask)), [], 3)
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using feval or not?
I do not see problems with using feval. There have been a speed penalty in old versions, as far as I remember R2009a. But now t...
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save matrix command works sometimes and sometimes gives error
Avoid strcat to create a folder name, but use fullfile, which cares for the correct separators. A try/catch block is the way to...
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Integration time step in ODE45 Matlab
The output time interval is the integration interval, so you can grab it e.g. in the outputfcn.
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Warning: Single line Edit Controls can not have multi-line text
res is a numerical array. You cannot insert it as string in handles.edit5. Display an image in an axes as image object.
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Why Euler's number e = 2.71828... is not a built-in constant in MATLAB?
What an epic discussion. Some levels less sophisticated: I needed exp(1) in a line of code called very frequently. exp() is an ...
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How to produce 1 and -1 in MATLAB
Exactly 50% or randomly? x = randi([0, 1], 1, 2000) * 2 - 1; y = [ones(1, 1000), -ones(1, 1000)]; y = y(randperm(y));
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Delete every nth element in array and increasing 1 NaN value per new row
Array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; n = numel(Array); Out = nan(n - 2, n); for k = 2:n - 1 Out(k-1, 1:k:n) = Array(1:k...
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How should I recover.m file of the function in the toolbox?
You can ask a colleage for the original file. Of course with some tricks you can find a way to type the file here in the forum a...
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delete special characters (\ / : * " < > |) in char
name_1 = '<Hello World>'; name_1 = erase(name_1, ["<", ">", "\", "/", ":", "*", """", "|"])
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Memory efficient alternative to sprandsym?
It would be useful to create the input by some commands in the example, such that the readers can run the code without your file...
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Why do I keep getting this error for subplot? Am I missing a toolbox or is the code wrong?
Please read the documentation of the command: subplot or doc subplot You call this command like subplot(m,n,p), where m and n...
presque 2 ans il y a | 0
Nested mean function with omitnan
The problem is here: "What I would have expected would be the same as". This is not the way mean('omitnan') is working. So if yo...
presque 2 ans il y a | 1
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No out of memory error but matlab crash
It is expected, that creating a bunch of large arrays (1st example) crash an application. You cannot do much gainst it, because ...
presque 2 ans il y a | 1
How can I output a value in an array, exactly as it is.
01 is no valid notation of a number. Numerically leading zeros are not existing. Zeros multiplied by a power of ten are still ze...
presque 2 ans il y a | 2
Unrecognized function or variable 'delta1'.
Exactly as the error message tells you: The variables or function "delta1" is not defined. Then this linemust fail: [x1, y1]=me...
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Everytime i type in editor window, nothing comes out of the command window.
The editor is a tool to write scripts and functions. You save them as files, which can be called from other scripts or functions...
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How to assign a name for every result in every iteration by using for loop
This is a really bad idea. Hiding an index in the name of a variable is a complicated method, which requires even more complicat...
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i have this error and i can't solve it
The error message tells you: "X must have one or two columns". How many columns does your X have? Fs = 16000; % fréquence d'éch...
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Keep pairs of corresponding elements in 2 vectors based on conditions
orange = [212929;213223;213482;213740;214013;214790]; green = [212765;213301;213822;214090;214240;214426;214941]; [x, s] ...
presque 2 ans il y a | 2
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How to create a loop to run my ODE for two sets of data and then store each data set in two cell arrays.
I do not see the problem: Y0 = [3 1 0 0 0] Y1 = [4 2 0 0 0] tspan = 0:0.1:5; [tout{1}, yout{1}] = ode45(@rates, tspan, Y0)...
presque 2 ans il y a | 0
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