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Pernicious Anniversary Problem
Since Cody is 5 years old, it's pernicious. A <http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Pernicious_numbers Pernicious number> is an integer w...

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ベクトル b にあるスカラ値 a が含まれていれば出力として 1 を返し、含まれていなければ 0 を返すような関数を作成しましょう。 例: a = 3; b = [1,2,4]; スカラ値 3 はベクトル b に含まれていない...

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行列 a が与えられたとき、行列 a の中で一番ゼロの要素が少ない行のインデクス r を返す関数を作成しましょう。このとき、行列 a には一つだけしかこの条件に当てはまる行がないと仮定します。 例: 入力として、行列 a = [ 1 ...

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行列が与えられたときに、その行列内の素数の平均を計算する関数を作成しましょう。 例: 入力の行列が in = [ 8 3            5 9 ] のとき、 出力が 4 あるいは (3+5)/2 のようになり...

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Horizontal matrix sort
Given a matrix x with n rows and m columns, return a matrix y with n rows and 2m columns, such that every row in x is sorted fro...

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Back to basics: adding comments to your code
One of the most useful skills a programmer can develop is the skill — or habit — of writing descriptive comments within/above th...

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Goldbach's marginal conjecture - Write integer as sum of three primes
Goldbach's strong conjecture states that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes. For exampl...

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Vertical matrix sort
Given a matrix x with n rows and m columns, return a matrix y with 2n rows and m columns, such that every column in x is sorted ...

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Mobius function
From <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Möbius_function wikipedia>: For any positive integer n, define μ(n) as the sum of the prim...

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Not square-free number sequence
<http://oeis.org/A013929 Not square-free numbers> are all positive integers divisible by a square greater than one: 4, 8, 9, 12,...

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Sphenic number sequence
<http://oeis.org/A007304 Sphenic numbers> are positive integers that are products of three distinct prime numbers: 30, 42, 66, 7...

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Self-similarity 3 - Every other pair of terms
Self-similar integer sequences are certain sequences that can be reproduced by extracting a portion of the existing sequence. Se...

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Self-similarity 1 - Every other term
Self-similar integer sequences are certain sequences that can be reproduced by extracting a portion of the existing sequence. Se...

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Self-similarity 2 - Every third term
Self-similar integer sequences are certain sequences that can be reproduced by extracting a portion of the existing sequence. Se...

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Pattern Recognition 3 - Variable Unit and Array Length (including cell arrays)
You will be given various arrays, composed of numbers or strings, including cell arrays of strings. For this problem, the patter...

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Pattern Recognition 2 - Known Unit Length, Various Array Length (including cell arrays)
You will be given various arrays, composed of numbers or strings, including cell arrays of strings. For this problem, the known ...

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Pattern Recognition 1 - Known Unit Length
You will be given various arrays, composed of numbers or strings. For this problem, the known pattern unit length is three. Writ...

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Twin Primes
Twin primes are pairs of primes that are immediately next to each other (difference of two). The lesser of twin primes are 3, 5,...

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Weighted Gold/Silver Standard
Building off of the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/8045-gold-standard Gold Standard> and <http://www.math...

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Gold/Silver Standard
Pursuant to the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/8045-gold-standard Gold Standard> problem, suppose that yo...

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Gold Standard
Gold has long been used as currency and a standard for currency, due to its inherent value and rarity. Historical data for gold ...

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Return fibonacci sequence do not use loop and condition version 2
Calculate the nth Fibonacci number,return sequence Given n, return f where f = fib(n) and f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ... ...

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Implement simple rotation cypher
If given a letter from the set: [abc...xyz] and a shift, implement a shift cypher. Example: 'abc' with a shi...

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Given a window, how many subsets of a vector sum positive
Given a vector: [1 0 -1 3 2 -3 1] and a window of 2, A sliding window would find: 1 + 0 = 1 0 - 1 = -1 ...

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二つの同じ長さのベクトルが与えられたときの加重平均を求めましょう。 例: 二つのベクトル [1 2 3] と [10 15 20] が与えられたとき、 それぞれの要素ごとの加重を考慮した上で平均を取ると、 解は 33.3333 となり...

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Solitaire Cipher
Implement the <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solitaire_(cipher) solitaire cipher>. Since this is from Wikipedia, I am capturin...

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Ned's Queens
A tribute to Cody's five-year anniversary should also celebrate the people behind Cody, and in this particular case, our illustr...

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Community Problem 500!
In honor of this being the 500th Community problem, see if you can create a function that has a Cody size of 500. It can do any...

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Check if the given expression is always true. For example, the sentence '~(A & B) == (~A | ~B)' is always true. Chara...

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ある数のベクトルが与えられた場合、そのベクトルの要素の一つが他の要素の二乗であれば true を返し、それ以外の場合は false を返すようなコードを書いてみましょう。 例: 入力が a = [2 3 4] のとき、 出力 b は t...

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