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how to write 2 summations
p=3; m=4; n=randi(5,p,m) %for loop: ans1=0; for i=1:1:p for j=1:1:m ans1=ans1+n(i,j); end end ans1...
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Plot data according to different ID
This might work t = readtable('samle_data.xlsx'); % devide table into groups using ID G = findgroups(t(:,1)); dataB...
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Shifting columns in matrix Matlab
clear all; clc H=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0...
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How can i plot two columns in different colors in MATLAB
check out this code I wrote... is it what you want ? %data colomns x={2,4,8,9,3}; a={'3:17:00 AM';'5:06:30 AM' ;'7:18:00 AM'...
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How to write matlab code that result odd component zero?
%vector of random integers v1=randi(10,10,1); %find odd number and replace by zero v2=v1; v2(mod(v2,2)~=0)=0; [v1,v2]
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Index exceeds the number of array elements (1).
can't run your code because it need to open file. But check the sizes x1_rec, y1_rec, x2_rec, and y2_rec. it seems that you ...
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Fill a vector with two vectors
v1 = [3 8 6 7]; v2 = [1 5 9 4]; r=[]; for i=2:1:length(v1) r=[r v1(i) v2(i)]; end r
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Reading Multiple sheets to different data sets
this may help
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Thickness of height profile in Matlab
Try this % to plot vertical line xAxis=1.25 ymin=B % min point ymax=A %max point line([xAxis xAxis], [ymin ymax]); % ad...
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A bouncing circle on a 2d plot, how to plot a cos2 function
In your code you have b= r+hmax/2*(cosd(t).^2)+hmax/2; which I think is the trajectory of the ball. and if you plot it you ge...
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how to fprintf and disp on the same line
disp always starts new line afterward. you should only use fprintf and '\n' if you want to end the line fprintf('The number ...
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How do I fix this error to output the correct data? I get an error when I use disp.
if the error in "disp", use fprintf(formatSpec,A1,...,An) or maybe this works X=['You caught ' , wholeFishWeight , ' kg of f...
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How to enter intermittent entries in a vector
a=1:1:6; v=[]; for i=1:2:length(a) v=[v a(i) a(i+1) 0 0] ; end v
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Vector access and manipulation
do you only discard the function output for a vector of all zeros? or for zero elements. why not use if-else f =@(x) x.^2; Ve...
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Why I get ans = logical 1
in your last case you use else then put a condition. you should either use "elseif" or no condition.
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How to display graphically
not sure this is what you had in mind ... %Environment envSize=4; figure; x=-envSize:0.1:envSize; y=.5*sin(x); plot(y,x,'...
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why reading .xls file using xlsread returns empty variables?
The problem is the data is not in the first sheet of the .xls file. I needed to sort the xls sheets before using [ndata, text...
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How can I modify negative values from two datasets based on a positive given one?
maybe this works ? if i == 1 y=y+(x-y); Coeff(i) = abs(max(y)/max(x)); else Coeff(i) = abs(max(...
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why reading .xls file using xlsread returns empty variables?
Hello I have some data in a .xls file. the file content is four colunms. the first row is a header then all others are numbers....
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réponseHow do i read audio and include it in my function?
check out this function [y,Fs] = audioread(filename) it reads data from the file named filename, and returns sampled data, y,...
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How do I add a text string after my contour labels?
If I understood your problem correctly... I think the answer in this question will help you
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compare and sort element in two arrays in matlab?
Try this code... I hope I understood the problem correctly clc; clear all; %function c = @(x) x.^2; %data a=[3 1 2];...
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How can I get a smoothing line like Excel?
I tried the answer to this question
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How do I create a multiline plot using values from a table?
If I understand the problem correctly this might help % creating tabel exampel col1 = {'A';'B';'C';'D';'E'}; col2 = [1:1:5]...
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problem in converting a matrix of integers to vector of integers using str2num and num2str
Hello, I have a matrix x of this form (these are example values) 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ...
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How can I read csv file data correctly? I tried multiple ways
Hi I have a csv file and I am trying to import it to matlab. an example for the file content is the following (this is one row...
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changing the activation function to ReLU? nntool command.
Hi ! I want to build a neural network such that it consist of 3 layers ( 2 ReLU layers and an output layer) with 10 neurons i...
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Question about estimating an LTI system matrices using system identification toolbox.
Hi ! I would like to ask about the the system idintification toolbox. In my problem I used linear parameter varying model...
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réponsehow to find value of x for a known value of y(x), using fplot?
The only way I was able to do this is to change z(x). insted of having all the lines in one plot. I created a loop such that a...
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How to scatter/plot a vector vs a cell array ?
Hello, I have a vector w such that w=0:0.1:5 I use this vector to get values saved in a cell array. such that for each el...
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