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Antenna and Array Analysis

Port, surface, and field analysis; embedded pattern, pattern multiplication

Perform port, surface, and field (space around the antenna) analysis of antennas and arrays. Use plane waves to excite an antenna to simulate a receiving antenna. Use Antenna Toolbox™ functions to read and write data from MSI Planet antenna files. Design and tune geometric properties of antennas in the antenna catalog to resonate at a particular frequency.


planeWaveExcitationCreate plane wave excitation environment for antennas, arrays, planar structures or 3-D structures


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bandwidthCalculate and/or plot absolute bandwidth of antenna (Since R2024a)
efficiencyRadiation efficiency of antenna (Since R2021a)
feedCurrentCalculate current at feed for antenna or array
impedanceInput impedance of antenna or scan impedance of array
resonantFrequencyCalculate and/or plot resonant frequency of antenna (Since R2024a)
returnLossReturn loss of antenna or scan return loss of array
sparametersCalculate S-parameters for antennas and antenna arrays
vswrVoltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of antenna or array element
patternPlot radiation pattern and phase of antenna or array or embedded pattern of antenna element in array
patternAzimuthAzimuth plane radiation pattern of antenna or array
patternElevationElevation plane radiation pattern of antenna or array
beamwidthBeamwidth of antenna
EHfieldsElectric and magnetic fields of antennas or embedded electric and magnetic fields of antenna element in arrays
axialRatioCalculate and/or plot axial ratio of antenna or array
phaseShiftCalculate phase shift values for arrays or multi-feed PCB stack
rcsCalculate and plot monostatic and bistatic radar cross section (RCS) of platform, antenna, or array (Since R2019b)
doaDirection of arrival of signal (Since R2022a)
chargeCharge distribution on antenna or array surface
currentCurrent distribution on antenna or array surface
patternMultiplyRadiation pattern of array using pattern multiplication
arrayFactorArray factor in dB
correlationCorrelation coefficient between two antennas in array
sparametersCalculate S-parameters for antennas and antenna arrays
patternPlot radiation pattern and phase of antenna or array or embedded pattern of antenna element in array
