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Filtres virgule fixe

Design de filtres virgule fixe

Vous pouvez modéliser des algorithmes de filtrage pour le traitement du signal en virgule fixe et analyser les effets de la quantification sur le comportement et la performance du système avec les fonctionnalités de DSP System Toolbox™ et de Fixed-Point Designer™. Pour une liste des System objects de DSP System Toolbox qui supportent les opérations en virgule fixe, veuillez consulter System Objects in DSP System Toolbox that Support Fixed-Point Design. Pour une liste des blocs de DSP System Toolbox qui supportent les opérations en virgule fixe, utilisez la fonction showsignalblockdatatypetable.


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dsp.AllpoleFilterIIR Filter with no zeros
dsp.DifferentiatorDirect form FIR fullband differentiator filter
dsp.FIRFilterStatic or time-varying FIR filter
dsp.HighpassFilterFIR or IIR highpass filter
dsp.IIRFilterInfinite impulse response (IIR) filter
dsp.LowpassFilterFIR or IIR lowpass filter
dsp.SOSFilterImplement cascade of second order section filters (depuis R2020a)
dsp.CICCompensationDecimatorCompensate for CIC decimation filter using FIR decimator
dsp.CICCompensationInterpolatorCompensate for CIC interpolation filter using FIR interpolator
dsp.CICDecimatorDecimate signal using cascaded integrator-comb (CIC) filter
dsp.CICInterpolatorInterpolate signal using cascaded integrator-comb filter
dsp.DigitalDownConverterTranslate digital signal from intermediate frequency (IF) band to baseband and decimate it
dsp.DigitalUpConverterInterpolate digital signal and translate it from baseband to IF band
dsp.FarrowRateConverterPolynomial sample rate converter with arbitrary conversion factor
dsp.FIRDecimatorPerform polyphase FIR decimation
dsp.FIRHalfbandDecimatorHalfband decimator
dsp.FIRHalfbandInterpolatorHalfband interpolator
dsp.FIRInterpolatorPerform polyphase FIR interpolation
dsp.FIRRateConverterPerform polyphase FIR sample rate conversion
dsp.SubbandAnalysisFilterDecompose signal into high-frequency and low-frequency subbands
dsp.SubbandSynthesisFilterReconstruct signal from high-frequency and low-frequency subbands
dsp.LMSFilterCompute output, error, and weights of least mean squares (LMS) adaptive filter


freqrespestFrequency response estimate via filtering
freqrespoptsCreate an options object for frequency response estimate
freqzFrequency response of discrete-time filter System object
impzImpulse response of discrete-time filter System object
isstableVerify that discrete-time filter System object is stable
noisepsdPower spectral density of filter output due to roundoff noise
noisepsdoptsCreate an options object for output noise PSD computation
reorderReorder second-order sections of biquadratic filter System object
scaleScale second-order sections
specifyallFully specify fixed-point filter System object settings
zplaneZ-plane zero-pole plot for discrete-time filter System object


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Allpole FilterModel allpole filters
Biquad FilterModel biquadratic IIR (SOS) filters
Differentiator FilterDirect form FIR fullband differentiator filter
Discrete FilterModel Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters
Discrete FIR FilterModel FIR filters
Highpass FilterDesign FIR or IIR highpass filter
Lowpass FilterDesign FIR or IIR lowpass filter
CIC Compensation DecimatorCompensate for CIC filter using FIR decimator
CIC Compensation InterpolatorCompensate for CIC filter using FIR interpolator
CIC DecimationDecimate signal using cascaded integrator-comb filter
CIC InterpolationInterpolate signal using cascaded integrator-comb filter
Digital Down-ConverterTranslate digital signal from intermediate frequency (IF) band to baseband and decimate it
Digital Up-ConverterInterpolate and translate digital signal from baseband to intermediate frequency (IF) band
Farrow Rate ConverterPolynomial sample-rate converter with arbitrary conversion factor
FIR DecimationPerform polyphase FIR decimation
FIR Halfband DecimatorDecimate signal using polyphase FIR halfband filter
FIR Halfband InterpolatorInterpolate signal using polyphase FIR half band filter
FIR InterpolationPerform polyphase FIR interpolation
FIR Rate ConversionPerform polyphase FIR sample rate conversion
Two-Channel Analysis Subband FilterDecompose signal into high-frequency and low-frequency subbands
Two-Channel Analysis Subband FilterDecompose signal into high-frequency and low-frequency subbands
LMS FilterCompute output, error, and weights using least mean squares (LMS) adaptive algorithm
Filter Realization WizardConstruct filter realizations using digital filter blocks or Sum, Gain, and Delay blocks
