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Install MathWorks Products on Offline Computer

Use this procedure when you want to install MathWorks products on a computer that does not have an internet connection. You can use this procedure even if you have an internet connection; you are not required to disconnect the target computer.

To prepare for this workflow, you must get the following items:

  • A File Installation Key and license file. See Step 1. Get License File and Installation Key.

  • The product installer and product files using the procedure in Download Products Without Installing. Make sure you move the installation files along with the license file and file installation key to the target computer.

    Downloading on Windows for Linux or macOS

    If you download the installer on Windows for installation on Linux or macOS, when you install on the target machine, you will get an error because Windows® can't reliably recreate the symbolic links that are included with the UNIX® installers. See this MATLAB Answer for details and solutions.

You must have the correct permissions to install MathWorks® software. If you have questions about permissions, ask your system administrator.

Before You Begin

To avoid problems during the installation process, read these important notes before you begin.

Make Sure Your System Meets Requirements

Before you begin, see System Requirements for MATLAB.

Change the tmp directory for installation

To change the tmp folder for installation, see MATLAB® Answer How can I change the temp directory the MATLAB installer uses?

Connection Errors

If you get connection errors while running the installer for an offline workflow, then you most likely do not have all the installation files required to install MathWorks products using a File Installation Key. Using a computer connected to the internet, go to Download Products Without Installing to restart the workflow from the beginning.

Step 1. Get License File and Installation Key

  • Individual license users can get their license file and file installation key (FIK) from License Center.

    Using a computer with an internet connection:

    1. Sign in to your MathWorks Account and click the license you want to use.

    2. Go to the Install and Activate tab. If you have not activated a computer for this license yet, click Activate to activate the license, download the license file, and get the file installation key.

      If you have already activated the license, and you have the file installation key, you can click the download arrow or email icon under Get License File instead.

    3. Download and save these items on removable media (for example, a USB stick).

    4. Copy the license file and file installation key to the target computer.

  • Network license users can get the network license file and FIK from their license or network administrator and copy them to their machine.

  • Administrators can get a copy of the network license file from the server hosting the network license manager and the file installation key (FIK) from License Center (do not give your users the license file downloaded with the FIK).

  • If you are using a trial license, go to

Step 2. Start Installer

Start the installer using the target machine's platform-specific instructions, as shown in this section. When prompted to allow the app to make changes, answer Yes.

Security Considerations

When installing products, use a secure location, limit privileges when possible, and monitor the installation. For more details, see Security Considerations for Installing MathWorks Products.


On Windows systems, the default installation directory is:

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b

To launch the installer on Windows systems:

  1. Double-click the setup.exe file to launch the installer.

  2. When asked if you want to allow the application to make changes, answer Yes.

  3. If your computer has been configured to use a proxy server for internet access, enter the user name and password to continue with a standard installation. Contact your system administrator for proxy server credentials.


On Linux® systems, the default installation directory is:



You must install MathWorks products to a directory where you have write permissions. Root privileges are not required to run the installer unless you want to install to the default directory.

Follow these steps to install on Linux:

  1. At the system terminal, unzip the installer archive to the matlab_R2024b_Linux directory by entering:

    unzip -d matlab_R2024b_Linux

  2. Navigate to the matlab_R2024b_Linux directory.

    • To launch the installer and install to a directory where you have write permissions, execute:

      When prompted by the installer, specify the folder for installation.

    • To launch the installer as root, execute:

      sudo ./install

      If the installer fails to launch as root, it might not have access to the graphical user interface that you need for installation. Try this workaround:

      xhost +SI:localuser:root
      sudo -H ./install
      xhost -SI:localuser:root
      This allows the root user to access the running X server, launches the installer, and then removes the root user from accessing the X server.

macOS (Intel Processor)

On macOS Intel® processor systems, the default installation directory is:


To install on macOS Intel processor systems:

  1. Double-click the file to unzip the disk image.

  2. Double-click the matlab_R2024b_macOSIntelProcessor.dmg disk image file to mount the virtual disk.

  3. Double-click the InstallForMacOSIntelProcessor installer file in the virtual disk to launch the installer.

  4. If your computer has been configured to use a proxy server for internet access, enter the user name and password to continue with a standard installation. Contact your system administrator for proxy server credentials.

macOS (Apple Silicon)

On macOS Apple silicon systems, the default installation directory is:


To install on macOS Apple silicon systems:

  1. Double-click the file to unzip the disk image.

  2. Double-click the matlab_R2024b_macOSAppleSilicon.dmg disk image file to mount the virtual disk.

  3. Double-click the InstallForMacOSAppleSilicon installer file in the virtual disk to launch the installer.

  4. If your computer has been configured to use a proxy server for internet access, enter the user name and password to continue with a standard installation. Contact your system administrator for proxy server credentials.

The native Apple silicon MATLAB requires that a Java® runtime be installed on your Mac. To obtain a compatible Java runtime, see MATLAB on Apple Silicon Macs

Step 3. Accept License Agreement

Review the software license agreement. If you do not agree with the terms of the license agreement, you will be unable to install MathWorks products.

Step 4. Enter File Installation Key

Enter the File Installation Key where prompted.

  • If the product files are not found by the installer, you will get an error before you enter the File Installation Key. This message includes instructions for downloading the necessary files.

  • If you get a message saying that the key is invalid, check to make sure you entered the key correctly. If necessary, get a new File Installation Key.

  • If you get a message saying that the key is invalid for the release you are trying to install, see your administrator or go to the License Center to get the files for the File Installation Key you have. If you are using a trial license, go to

Step 5. Select License File

The license file is required for installation when you use a File Installation Key. It identifies which products you can run.

  • The file must be a valid license file.

  • If the installer detects that the license file is invalid for any reason, use a different license file or get a new license file.

Step 6. Select Destination Folder

The destination folder is where you want to install MathWorks products. Accept the default installation folder, or click Browse to select a different one. If the folder does not exist, the installer creates it.

The destination folder must be on an absolute path. MathWorks recommends that you install MathWorks products in their own folder. If you select the top-level drive, you will be asked to confirm your selections.

When specifying a folder name:

  • You can use any alphanumeric character and some special characters, such as underscores.

  • You cannot use non-English characters.

  • Folder names cannot contain invalid characters and the destination cannot be named “private.”

If you make a mistake while entering a folder name and want to start over, click Restore Default.

Changing the tmp directory for installation

To change the tmp folder for installation, see MATLAB Answer How can I change the temp directory the MATLAB installer uses?

Step 7. Select Products

The Product Selection list shows all the products associated with the File Installation Key you specified.

  • To install a particular product, check the box next to its name. MATLAB is selected by default.

  • If you do not want to install a particular product, clear the check box next to its name.

  • If any of your selected products have a dependency on a product that was not selected, you will get a Product Dependencies warning and you will be asked to add the dependent products.

    Dependent products are optional and you can choose to add or not add them. However, while you are still able to install the selected products without dependent products, you may not be able to access all the functionality you require.

  • Required products must be installed.

Step 8. Select Options

Some options are available only for certain license types. If no options are presented to you, you can go to the next step.

  • Windows — You can choose to put shortcuts for starting MATLAB in the Start menu and on the desktop.

  • Linux — You can specify whether you want to create symbolic links to the matlab and mex scripts. Specify a folder to which you have write access and that is common to all the user paths on this computer, such as /usr/local/bin.

Step 9. Confirm Selections and Install

Review the summary of your installation choices. To change a setting, click the topic on the navigation bar. To proceed with the installation, click Begin Install.

When the installation is complete, note if the installer shows you any additional steps required to complete configuration, and click Finish. If additional steps are required, complete them before running MATLAB.

If you are installing server products, see Install MATLAB Server Products.

License or System Administrators Only

If you run into unrecoverable errors, or if your organization has complex license mixing issues, consider performing an ISO download instead. See How do I download a MATLAB ISO archive?

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