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Packager et partager des applications
Il est possible d’écrire des applications interactives pour effectuer des tâches de calcul scientifique courantes. Vous pouvez créer et partager vos propres applications semblables à celles proposées par certains produits MATLAB et permettre à d’autres personnes de les installer. Pour plus d’informations, consultez Get and Create Apps.
Pensez à utiliser les fonctions qui suivent pour automatiser les tâches comme le test et le débuggage de vos applications.
matlab.apputil.create | Create or modify app project file interactively using the Package App dialog box |
matlab.apputil.package | Package app files into a .mlappinstall file |
matlab.apputil.install | Install app from a .mlappinstall file | | Run app programmatically |
matlab.apputil.getInstalledAppInfo | List installed app information |
matlab.apputil.uninstall | Uninstall app |
- Get and Create Apps
Find apps that come with your installed products, create your own, or get apps as add-ons from the MATLAB File Exchange.
- Ways to Share Apps
Share your packaged apps with others.
- Package Apps from the MATLAB Toolstrip
Package your app into an app installation file to easily share it with others.
- Package Apps in App Designer
Package apps from within the App Designer development environment.
- App Packaging Dependency Analysis
Learn the file dependencies that MATLAB searches for when you package an app.
- Modify Apps
Modify your packaged apps.
- MATLAB App Installer File — mlappinstall
Search for and install MATLAB app installer files,
, that you created to share your MATLAB apps.
Informations connexes
- Web Apps (MATLAB Compiler)