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Un tableau de structure est un type de données qui regroupe des données associées dans des conteneurs de données appelés champs. Chaque champ peut contenir n’importe quel type de données. Accédez aux données d’une structure en utilisant une notation à point (.) de la forme structName.fieldName
. Pour plus d’informations, consultez Structure Arrays ou regardez la vidéo Introducing Structures and Cell Arrays (Introduction aux structures et aux cell arrays).
struct | Structure array |
fieldnames | Noms des champs d’une structure, ou champs publics d’un objet Microsoft COM ou Java |
getfield | Field of structure array |
isfield | Determine if input is structure array field |
isstruct | Determine if input is structure array |
orderfields | Order fields of structure array |
rmfield | Supprimer des champs d'une structure |
setfield | Assign value to structure array field |
arrayfun | Apply function to each element of array |
structfun | Apply function to each field of scalar structure |
table2struct | Convert table to structure array |
struct2table | Convert structure array to table |
cell2struct | Convert cell array to structure array |
struct2cell | Convert structure to cell array |
- Structure Arrays
Create a structure array and store data in its fields. Access the contents by name using array indexing and dot notation.
- Generate Field Names from Variables
Dynamically determine a structure field name at run time from a variable or expression.
- Ways to Organize Data in Structure Arrays
Consider ease of data access and system memory constraints when determining how to organize the data in a structure array.
- Memory Requirements for Structure Array
Structure arrays do not require contiguous memory, but their fields do. Instead of incrementally increasing the number of fields or number of elements in a field, preallocate memory for fields containing very large arrays.