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Create empty actor in 3D environment

Since R2022b


    Use the sim3d.Actor object to create an empty actor object in the 3D environment without any visual meshes. After you create a sim3d.Actor object you can modify aspects of the actor object by setting property values.

    • Import 3D files to build an appearance for the actor object.

    • Define actor appearance using 3D graphic primitive shapes or mesh data.

    • Create hierarchical structure through defining parent-child relationships.

    • Support 3D transformations in different coordinate systems.

    • Enable physics simulation of the Unreal Engine®.

    • Enable object interaction events, such as hit event, overlap event, and click event.



    actor = sim3d.Actor() creates a default empty actor object in the 3D environment without visual meshes.

    actor = sim3d.Actor(Name=Value) specifies options using one or more optional name-value arguments. For example, to create an actor at the position [3 4 3], set Translation to [3 4 3].


    Input Arguments

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    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: actor = sim3d.Actor(ActorName='Actor',Translation=[3 4 3],Mobility=sim3d.utils.MobilityTypes.Movable,OnHit=@hitcallback) creates a movable empty actor object with the specified name, position, and custom callback function handle for hit event.

    Name of actor, specified as a character array or string. If you do not specify an actor name, then the software assigns the actor an autogenerated name. Use this argument to set the name of the sim3d.Actor object.


    If you specify the same name as an actor that already exists, then the software appends actor name you specify with a unique identifier.

    Relative translation (x,y,z) of the actor object to its parent actor, specified as a real 1-by-3 vector, in m. Use Translation to change the position of the sim3d.Actor object in the 3D environment along the X, Y, and Z axes of the coordinate system. When you add an actor to the 3D environment, the default parent actor is the Scene Origin at (0,0,0).

    Example: Translation=[3 4 3]

    Data Types: double

    Relative rotation (roll, pitch, yaw) of the actor object to its parent actor, specified as a real 1-by-3 vector, in rad. Use Rotation to rotate the sim3d.Actor object in the 3D environment.

    Example: Rotation=[0 pi/2 pi/4]

    Data Types: double

    Relative scale in x, y and z coordinates of the actor object to its parent actor, specified as a real 1-by-3 vector. Use Scale to resize the sim3d.Actor object in the 3D environment along the X, Y, and Z axes.

    Example: Scale=[2 2 2]

    Data Types: double

    Type of actor mobility to respond to physics, move the actor during simulation, or both, specified as 'sim3d.utils.MobilityTypes.Movable' or 'sim3d.utils.MobilityTypes.Static'.

    Example: Mobility=sim3d.utils.MobilityTypes.Movable

    Data Types: sim3d.utils.MobilityTypes

    Semantic segmentation map of object class identifiers, specified as real positive scalar. For a complete list of actor IDs and their corresponding object descriptions, see Labels.

    Custom hit event callback function handle, specified as the handle to the user-defined function such as @hitcallback. Use the function to pass the actor handle as the input argument to access sim3d.Actor properties during hit event.

    Example: Onhit=@hitcallback

    Custom begin overlap event callback function handle, specified as the handle to the user-defined function such as @beginoverlapcallback. Use the function to pass the actor handle as the input argument to access sim3d.Actor properties during begin overlap event.

    Example: OnBeginOverlap=@beginoverlapcallback

    Custom end overlap event callback function handle, specified as the handle to the user-defined function such as @endoverlapcallback. Use the function to pass the actor handle as the input argument to access sim3d.Actor properties during end overlap event.

    Example: OnEndOverlap=@endoverlapcallback

    Custom click event callback function handle, specified as the handle to the user-defined function such as @clickcallback. Use the function to pass the actor handle as the input argument to access sim3d.Actor properties during click event.

    Example: OnClick=@clickcallback

    Output Arguments

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    Actor object, returned as a sim3d.Actor object. A unique identifier and unique name is assigned to the actor. You can change the actor name, but the unique identifier is associated with the actor until the actor is deleted. The 3D environment is composed of a hierarchical structure of actors.


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    Base Attributes

    Structure to hold actor data, specified as a structure. You can update and maintain this data and use it to update the fields of the structure during simulation or in the setup method.

    Parent of actor, specified as a handle to the parent actor object. After you add an actor to the sim3d.World object, the default parent actor is the Scene Origin at (0,0,0). Use this property to set any actor in the 3D environment as the parent actor of a sim3d.Actor object.

    This property is read-only.

    Children of actor, specified as a structure. Each field of the structure contains a handle to the child of a sim3d.Actor object.

    Parent world, specified as a handle to the parent sim3d.World object. You can use this property only if the sim3d.Actor object is added to the parent sim3d.World object.

    Actor orientation representation in the 3D environment, specified as one of the listed values. The values are not case-sensitive.

    • 'Default' – World coordinate system

    • 'MATLAB' – MATLAB® coordinate system

    • 'ISO8855' – ISO 8855 standard coordinate system

    • 'AERO' – SAE coordinate system

    • 'VRML' – X3D ISO standard coordinate system

    • 'SAE' – SAE coordinate system

    To display the actor transformation in the specified coordinate system, set this property first, and then set the transform properties Translation, Rotation, and Scale. For more details on the different coordinate systems, see Coordinate Systems in Simulink 3D Animation.

    Data Types: string

    Relative translation (x,y,z) of the actor object to its parent actor, specified as a real 1-by-3 vector, in m. Use Translation to change the position of the sim3d.Actor object in the 3D environment along the X, Y, and Z axes of the coordinate system. When you add an actor to the 3D environment, the default parent actor is the Scene Origin at (0,0,0).

    Example: actor.Translation = [1 2 1]

    Relative rotation (roll, pitch, yaw) of the actor object to its parent actor, specified as a real 1-by-3 vector, in rad. Use Rotation to rotate the sim3d.Actor object in the 3D environment.

    Example: actor.Rotation = [pi/4 pi/8 pi/2]

    Relative scale in x, y and z coordinates of the actor object to its parent actor, specified as a real 1-by-3 vector. Use Scale to resize the sim3d.Actor object in the 3D environment along the X, Y, and Z axes.

    Example: actor.Scale = [1 2 1]

    Type of actor mobility to respond to physics, move the actor during simulation, or both, specified as 'sim3d.utils.MobilityTypes.Movable' or 'sim3d.utils.MobilityTypes.Static'.

    Example: actor.Mobility = sim3d.utils.MobilityTypes.Movable

    Data Types: sim3d.utils.MobilityTypes

    Mesh Attributes

    Vertices of mesh geometry, specified as an N-by-3 matrix. This matrix includes the coordinates of all vertex positions to be used for the mesh geometry. Each vertex has a vertex ID equal to its row number in the matrix. N specifies the number of vertices.

    Example: actor.Vertices = [-1 -1 0; 1 -1 0; 1 1 0; -1 1 0; -1 -1 0; 1 -1 0;1 1 0;-1 1 0]

    Data Types: double

    Vertices of each triangular face, specified as an M-by-3 matrix. This matrix defines how each triangle of the mesh is drawn. The matrix specifies the vertex IDs that define each triangular face of the mesh. M is the number of triangular faces in the mesh.

    Example: actor.Faces = [0 3 2; 0 2 1; 4 6 7; 4 5 6]

    Data Types: double

    Normal vectors of each vertex, specified as an N-by-3 matrix. Each row of the matrix specifies the normal vector for a vertex. This matrix must be the same size as Vertices.

    Example: actor.Normals = [0 0 1; 0 0 1; 0 0 1; 0 0 1; 0 0 -1; 0 0 -1; 0 0 -1; 0 0 -1]

    Data Types: double

    Texture coordinates for each vertex, specified as an N-by-2 matrix. This matrix defines which point on the texture file maps to each vertices. This argument is optional and, if specified, must be the same length as Vertices.

    Example: actor.TextureCoordinates = [0 0; 0 1; 1 1; 1 0; 0 0; 0 1; 1 1; 1 0]

    Vertex colors, specified as an N-by-3 matrix. This matrix specifies the color value of each vertex in [R G B] form. This matrix must be the same length as Vertices.


    To display VertexColors along with the actor base color, set the VertexBlend property to a value greater than 0. If VertexBlend is 1, then actor displays only the VertexColors.

    Example: actor.VertexColors = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 0; 0 1 1; 1 1 0; 0 1 0]

    Material Attributes

    Base color of actor, specified as a real 1-by-3 vector. Color consists of a vector of color RGB components [red green blue]. Values greater than 1 cause glowing and can be used for various indicators. If the sim3d.Actor object has a texture, the TextureMapping.Blend coefficient can be used to control how it blends with the base color.

    Example: actor.Color = [0.3 0.27 0.9]

    Transparency of actor, specified as a real positive number in the range (0,1), where 0 indicates an opaque object and 1 indicates a completely transparent object.

    Example: actor.Transparency = 0.8

    Data Types: double

    Shininess of actor, specified as a real positive number in the range (0,1), where 0 indicates a nonshiny object and 1 indicates a completely shiny object.

    Example: actor.Shininess = 0.3

    Data Types: double

    Metallic look of actor, specified as a real positive number in the range (0,1), where 0 indicates a plastic surface and 1 indicates a metallic surface.

    Example: actor.Metallic = 0.1

    Data Types: double

    Flat shading factor of actor, specified as a real positive number in the range (0,1), where 0 indicates a smooth shading and 1 indicates a faceted shading. Smooth shading interpolates the lighting across the surface of 3D models, made of numerous polygon meshes, to make them appear smoother. Faceted shading calculates light for each polygon individually, emphasizing the model's flat surfaces and sharp edges by applying light and shadow separately to each polygon.

    Example: actor.Flat = 0.7

    Data Types: double

    Actor shadows, specified as 0 (false) if the actor does not cast shadows or 1 (true) if it does.

    Color blending coefficient of vertices, specified as a real positive number in the range (0,1), where 0 indicates to display only the base color and 1 indicates to display only the vertex color. This value indicates how much of the base color blends with the specified vertex color.

    Example: actor.VertexBlend = 0.5

    Texture transformations applied to actor texture, specified as a real positive vector. Use TextureTransform to define texture position, velocity, scale, and angle.

    Transformation Properties

    PropertyDetailValueValue Example

    Use this property to set the position of the texture. You can use Position to move the texture along U and V coordinates.

    • Value – Real positive (1,2) vector

    • Default Value – [0 0]

    • Data Type – double

    actor.TextureTransform.Position = [2 3]

    Use this property to set the velocity of the texture movement. velocity is expressed as a change of U and V coordinates per second of simulation time. The animated surface has no effect on physical interactions.

    • Value – Real positive (1,2) vector

    • Default Value – [0 0]

    • Data Type – double

    actor.TextureTransform.Velocity = [2 3]

    Use this property to set the relative texture scale. If the texture is smaller than the surface to be covered, the scale repeats automatically in all directions. Negative values can be used to flip the texture in corresponding coordinate.

    • Value – Real positive (1,2) vector

    • Default Value – [0 0]

    • Data Type – double

    actor.TextureTransform.Scale = [2 2]

    Texture mapping parameters applied to actor texture, specified as a real positive vector. Use TextureMapping to define texture blend, displacement, bump factor, and roughness.

    Mapping Properties

    PropertyDetailValueValue Example

    Use this property to set the blend ratio of the texture.

    You can use Blend to set the ratio of texture mixing with the base color of the surface using linear interpolation.

    To create an effect of glowing texture, use a black base color ([0 0 0]) and blend values greater than 1.

    You can set the value independently for each color channel ([red green blue]).

    • Value – Real positive (1,3) vector

    • Default Value – [0 0 0]

    • Data Type – double

    actor.TextureMapping.Blend = [1 1 0.5]

    Use this property to set the displacement of the texture.

    You can use Displacement to move the vertex of a geometric mesh in the direction of the normal depending on the color of the texture at that location. This deformation is only visual and does not affect physical interactions.

    You can set the value independently for each color channel ([red green blue]) and its range is unlimited.

    • Value – Real positive (1,3) vector

    • Default Value – [0 0 0]

    • Data Type – double

    actor.TextureMapping.Displacement = [1 2 5]

    Use this property to set the bump factor of the texture.

    You can use Bump to create the effect of a bumpy surface (such as a stone wall) by making small manipulations with normals and lighting.

    You can set the value independently for each color channel ([red green blue]) and its range is unlimited.

    • Value – Real positive (1,3) vector

    • Default Value – [0 0 0]

    • Data Type – double

    actor.TextureMapping.Bumps = [10 10 0.5]

    Use this property to set the roughness factor of the texture.

    You can use Roughness to locally manipulate the global surface shininess specified by the Shininess property.

    You can set the value independently for each color channel ([red green blue]) and its range is unlimited.

    • Value – Real positive (1,3) vector

    • Default Value – [0 0 0]

    • Data Type – double

    actor.TextureMapping.Roughness = [1 1 0.5]

    Source file for texture, specified as a character array. The supported file types are JPEG, PNG, and BMP. The file path should be absolute.


    For BMP files, only 8-bit files are supported.

    Example: actor.Texture = fullfile(pwd, "file.jpg")

    Two-sided visibility of actor surface, specified as 0 (false) if the actor is visible only from the outer side or 1 (true) if the actor is visible from both the inner and outer sides. When this property is false, actor performance improves, as the polygons facing away from the camera viewpoint are not rendered.

    Example: actor.TwoSided = 1

    Surface reflectivity, specified as a real positive number in the range (0,1). Use this property to control how shiny the surface of the actor appears.

    Example: actor.Specular = 0.7

    Data Types: double

    Physical Attributes

    Linear velocity of actor, specified as a real 1-by-3 vector, in m per second.

    Example: actor.LinearVelocity = [1 1 1]


    Mobility should be set to 'sim3d.utils.MobilityTypes.Movable' for velocities to work. Otherwise the actor will not move, and you will see a warning.

    Angular velocity of actor, specified as a real 1-by-3 vector, in rad per second.

    Example: actor.AngularVelocity = [2 2 2]


    Mobility should be set to sim3d.utils.MobilityTypes.Movable for velocities to work. Otherwise the actor will not move, and you will see a warning.

    Mass of actor, specified as a real positive scalar, in kg. The default value 0 specifies the mass of an empty actor. When you assign a shape to the actor, the Unreal Engine determines the volume of the actor through its mesh geometry and calculates the mass based on its volume and density of the material assigned to the actor. The Unreal Engine sets a default density at 1000 kg per cubic meter.

    Example: actor.Mass = 12

    Center of mass of sim3d.Actor object, specified as a real positive vector. Use this property to shift the center of gravity from the origin of the local coordinate system.

    Example: actor.CenterOfMass = [1 0 1]

    Application of gravity to actor, specified as 0 (false) if no gravity is applied or 1 (true) if gravity is applied.

    Example: actor.Gravity = false


    • This property works when:

      • Physics property is set to 1 or true.

      • PreciseContact property is set to 0 or false.

    • Mobility should be set to sim3d.utils.MobilityTypes.Movable for the actor to experience the effects of gravity. Otherwise the actor will not move, and you will see a warning.

    Reaction of actor to physical forces such as gravity and collision, specified as 0 (false) or 1 (true).

    If Physics is enabled, the actor moves independently of its parent actor object but together with its children, unless the children also have Physics enabled.

    Example: actor.Physics = true


    This property works when PreciseContact property is set to 0 or false.

    Object collision, specified as 0 (false) for no collision or 1 (true) if objects will collide.

    Example: actor.Collisions = false

    Precise contacts during collisions, specified as 0 (false) or 1 (true). Setting this value to true allows the Unreal Engine to use a collision box that follows the actor mesh precisely. This setting allows the software to detect collisions accurately.

    Example: actor.PreciseContacts = true


    • Setting PreciseContacts property to true for an actor disables the Physics and Gravity properties.

    • This property is not run-time configurable.

    Stationary translational motion, specified as either 0 (false) or 1 (true). If this property is enabled, the actor is fixed in place. If the actor has defined a nonzero linear velocity, it interacts with other objects as if it were moving itself. You can use this property to model belt conveyors.

    Example: actor.LocationLocked = true


    Physics should be set to false.

    Stationary rotational motion, specified as either 0 (false) or 1 (true). If this property is enabled, the sim3d.Actor object is fixed in place. If the actor has defined a nonzero angular velocity, it interacts with other objects as if it were moving itself. You can use this property to model circular conveyors (carousels).

    Example: actor.RotationLocked = true


    Physics should be set to false.

    Option to hide the actor from the 3D environment scene, specified as 0 (false) if the actor is visible in the scene or 1 (true) if the actor is hidden in the scene.

    Example: actor.Hidden = 1

    Dynamic friction, dimensionless, specified as a real positive number in the range (0,1). This property indicates the ease with which two actors can slide over each other. The value can only change in discrete steps of 0.1. When two actors slide over each other, the friction is the average value of both actors.

    Example: actor.Friction = 0.4

    Coefficient of restitution, dimensionless, specified as a real positive number in the range (0,1). This property indicates how bouncy the collision is between two actors. The value can only change in discrete steps of 0.1. When two actors collide with each other, the coefficient of restitution is the average value of both actors.

    Example: actor.Restitution = 0.5

    Force applied to actor, specified as real a 1-by-3 vector, in N. The acceleration of the actor depends on the Mass property of the actor and the size of the simulation step specified by sampleTime in run.

    Example: actor.Force = [0 5 0]


    Physics should be set to true.

    Torque applied to actor, specified as a real 1-by-3 vector, in Nm. The angular acceleration of the actor depends on the Mass property of the actor and the size of the simulation step specified by sampleTime in run.

    Example: actor.Torque = [0 pi/2 0]


    Physics should be set to true.

    Level of linear movement resistance, specified as a real positive scalar. Use this property to control how much the actor can resist linear movement.

    Example: actor.LinearDamping = 3


    Physics should be set to true.

    Data Types: double

    Level of angular movement resistance, specified as a real positive scalar. Use this property to control how much the actor can resist angular movement.

    Example: actor.AngularDamping = 3


    Physics should be set to true.

    Data Types: double

    Event Attributes

    Option to report hit event, specified as 0 (false) or 1 (true). This table provides the required HitEventEnabled and Collisions property settings to report hit events.

    Hit Event DescriptionActor HitEventEnabled PropertyActor Collisions Property

    Actor 1 collides with Actor 2

    Actor 1 – true

    Actor 2 – true or false

    Actor 1 – true

    Actor 2 – true

    Actor 2 collides with Actor 1

    Actor 1 – true or false

    Actor 2 – true

    Actor 1 – true

    Actor 2 – true

    Example: actor.HitEventEnabled = true

    Option to report overlap event, specified as 0 (false) or 1 (true). This table provides the required OverlapEventEnabled and Collisions property settings to report begin overlap and end overlap events.

    Overlap Event DescriptionActor OverlapEventEnabled PropertyActor Collisions Property

    Actor 1 overlaps Actor 2

    Actor 1 – true

    Actor 2 – true

    Actor 1 – true and Actor 2 – false or

    Actor 1 – false and Actor 2 – true or

    Actor 1 – false and Actor 2 – false

    Actor 2 overlaps Actor 1

    Actor 2 – true

    Actor 1 – true

    Actor 2 – true and Actor 1 – false or

    Actor 2 – false and Actor 1 – true or

    Actor 2 – false and Actor 1 – false

    Example: actor.OverlapEventEnabled = true

    This property is read-only.

    Hit event for sim3d.Actor object, specified as 0 (false) or 1 (true).

    This property is read-only.

    Hit sim3d.Actor object identifier, specified as a real positive integer.

    This property is read-only.

    Identifier of actor that collides with the sim3d.Actor object, specified as a real positive integer.

    This property is read-only.

    Hit event location in the 3D environment, specified as a real 1-by-3 vector.

    Data Types: double

    This property is read-only.

    Name of actor that collides with the sim3d.Actor object, specified as a character array or string.

    This property is read-only.

    Overlap begin event for sim3d.Actor object, specified as 0 (false) or 1 (true).

    This property is read-only.

    Identifier of the overlapped sim3d.Actor object, specified as a real positive integer.

    This property is read-only.

    Identifier of the actor that overlaps with the sim3d.Actor object, specified as a real positive integer.

    This property is read-only.

    Name of actor that overlaps with the sim3d.Actor object, specified as a character array or string.

    This property is read-only.

    Overlap end event for sim3d.Actor object, specified as 0 (false) or 1 (true).

    This property is read-only.

    Identifier of the sim3d.Actor object that is ending overlap, specified as a real positive integer.

    This property is read-only.

    Identifier of the actor that ends overlap with the sim3d.Actor object, specified as a real positive integer.

    This property is read-only.

    Name of actor that ends overlap with the sim3d.Actor object, specified as a character array or string.

    This property is read-only.

    Click event for sim3d.Actor object, specified as 0 (false) or 1 (true).


    To report a click event, click an actor in the 3D environment.

    This property is read-only.

    Identifier of the sim3d.Actor object that is clicked, specified as a real positive integer.

    This property is read-only.

    Cartesian coordinates of the click event location in the 3D environment, specified as a real 1-by-3 vector.

    Data Types: double

    This property is read-only.

    Name of clicked actor, specified as a character array or string.

    Object Functions

    copyCopy all properties from another actor
    findByFind all actors that match specified criteria
    propagatePropagate value of selected property to actor and its children
    gatherReturn values of selected property from all objects in selected branch
    createMeshCreate new mesh with specified values
    addMeshAppend mesh on top of current mesh
    loadLoad or import 3D file
    saveSave actor and children to a MAT file
    createShapeCreate geometry for basic primitives


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    This example shows how to create a 3D environment with an empty actor and view in the Simulation 3D Viewer window using MATLAB®. You can use the sim3d.World to create a world object and sim3d.Actor to create an empty actor object. You can then add the actor to the 3D environment and visualize the 3D environment in the Simulation 3D Viewer window. For an example that shows how to create a 3D environment with an actor using Simulink®, see Create World and Actor Using Simulink.

    This process does not build an appearance for the actor, so the Simulation 3D Viewer does not render a visualization of the actor. For an example that shows how to build an appearance for an empty actor, see Build Actor from 3D Graphic Primitives Using MATLAB.

    Create World

    Create a world object.

    world = sim3d.World();

    Create Actor

    Create an actor object. The sim3d.Actor object creates an empty actor without any visual meshes.

    actor = sim3d.Actor();

    Add the actor to the world.


    Run Simulation

    Run a simulation set for 10 seconds with a sample time of 0.02 seconds.

    sampletime = 0.02;
    stoptime = 10;

    Empty virtual world scene

    Delete World

    Delete the world object.


    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b

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