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Allocate and Trace Requirements from Design to Verification

Systems engineering design is an iterative process. Design engineers author, link, and refine requirements then use thorough test coverage to test that system design accurately implements each requirement.

Requirements are a collection of statements describing the desired behavior and characteristics of a system. Requirements help ensure system design integrity and should be achievable, verifiable, unambiguous, and consistent with each other. Each level of design should have appropriate requirements.

A Requirements Toolbox™ license is required to link, trace, and manage requirements in System Composer™.

To update reference requirement links from an imported file and integrate with Requirements Toolbox, see Redirect Reference Requirement Links from Imported File.

To enhance traceability of requirements, link system, functional, customer, performance, or design requirements to components and ports. Link requirements to each other to represent derived or allocated requirements. Manage requirements from the Requirements Perspective on an architecture model or through custom views. Assign test cases to requirements using the Simulink Test Manager (Simulink Test) for verification and validation.

A Simulink® Test™ license is required to use the Simulink Test Manager (Simulink Test) and to create test harnesses for components. For more information, see Create a Test Harness (Simulink Test).

A requirement set is a collection of requirements. You can structure the requirements hierarchically and link them to components or ports.

Use the Requirements Editor (Requirements Toolbox) to edit and refine requirements in a requirement set. Requirement sets are stored in SLREQX files. You can create a new requirement set and author requirements using Requirements Toolbox, or import requirements from supported third-party tools.

A link is an object that relates two model-based design elements. A requirement link is a link where the destination is a requirement. You can link requirements to components or ports.

View links by using the Requirements Perspective in System Composer. Select a requirement in the Requirements Browser to highlight the component or the port to which the requirement is assigned. Links are stored externally as SLMX files.


To learn more about how System Composer concepts apply to systems engineering design, see System Composer Concepts.

Use requirements to establish traceability from system design to verification. The table lists topics about using requirements.

Link and Trace RequirementsDefine requirements for your architecture model, then allocate functional requirements to components to establish traceability.
Manage RequirementsManage requirements using the Requirements Editor (Requirements Toolbox), trace requirements using a traceability diagram, and analyze requirements using the Requirements Table (Requirements Toolbox) block.
Verify and Validate RequirementsCreate test harnesses around components, link test cases to requirements using the Simulink Test Manager (Simulink Test), and verify that the requirements satisfy design needs.

This Variant Component block has a requirements badge. The requirement and requirement link is visible in the Requirements Perspective.

Architecture model in Requirements Perspective with requirement, requirement link, and a requirements badge on a variant component.

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