Is it possible to solve this equation without symbolics?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar le 12 Mar 2014
Commenté : Star Strider le 14 Mar 2014
Hi all, I am doing research involving numerical computations. Obviously symbolics are expensive to compute. So I am trying to compute something without using symbolics. Here is my sample code:
syms F0;
s_12=[-0.875*F0;-0.625*F0; 0.21651*F0];
Can anyone suggest me a way to solve this equation without using symbolics? Thanks in advance.

Réponse acceptée

Star Strider
Star Strider le 13 Mar 2014
Modifié(e) : Star Strider le 13 Mar 2014
Another method, using the equations you provided:
s_12= @(F0) [-0.875*F0;-0.625*F0; 0.21651*F0];
temp1= @(s_12) ((s_12(1,1))^2/(F1)^2)+((s_12(2,1))^2/(F2)^2)+((s_12(3,1))^2/(F6)^2)-((s_12(1,1)*(s_12(2,1)))/(F1)^2);
fcn = @(F0) temp1(s_12(F0))-1;
a = [];
for k1 = [-500 500]
S0 = fzero(fcn,k1);
a = [S0; a];
The for loop uses two different starting values to get both roots, stored in vector a.
  5 commentaires
Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar le 14 Mar 2014
Thanks a lot for a wonderful solution!!
Star Strider
Star Strider le 14 Mar 2014
My pleasure!

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Plus de réponses (1)

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford le 13 Mar 2014
K = (-0.875/F1)^2+(-0.625/F2)^2+(0.21651/F6)^2-(-0.875)*(-0.625)/(F1)^2;
F0 = sqrt(1/K);
or (Two solutions)
F0 = -sqrt(1/K);


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