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Importing .mat files with text also

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mike Beacham
Mike Beacham le 14 Juil 2014
Commenté : Mike Beacham le 15 Juil 2014
Hi, I'm trying to import large tables saved as a .mat file, but MATLAB won't load the file. The table is set up as a column matrix with ['str',#,#,#,#,#,#]. The str is a date file which could be converted to date, but takes a long time to do. (3.5million rows). I'm looking for a way to get this to import into matlab, but load won't work, and textscan doesn't either. Load is trying to pick it up as a ASCII file (due to the string) and textscan won't pick it up because it isn't a text file. Any suggestions?
Edit: Doing more research, could this also be related to my version of everything being 32bit rather than 64? The .mat file is only 36MB, so it didn't occur to me until I kept crashing the program doing some sidework.
  11 commentaires
Mike Beacham
Mike Beacham le 14 Juil 2014
Thanks! I'll give that a shot.
Mike Beacham
Mike Beacham le 15 Juil 2014
It turns out my whole MATLAB install was corrupt, I re-installed and it started loading them. Thanks for all the help guys!

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