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Does Matlab use Cooley Turkey algorith for their FFT implementation?

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nina le 30 Juil 2014
Commenté : Sriram Paravastu le 30 Août 2016
I am trying to figure out if Matlab fft uses the Cooley Turkey algorithm, if yes could someone please direct me to the source, if not, could you tell me what they use? Thank you

Réponse acceptée

Star Strider
Star Strider le 30 Juil 2014
From the documentation:
  • ‘To compute an N-point DFT when N is composite (that is, when N = N1N2), the FFTW library decomposes the problem using the Cooley-Tukey algorithm [1], which first computes N1 transforms of size N2, and then computes N2 transforms of size N1.’
See ‘Algorithms’ under ‘More About’ near the end of the documentation for fft for the full discussion.
  3 commentaires
Star Strider
Star Strider le 31 Juil 2014
My pleasure!
Sriram Paravastu
Sriram Paravastu le 30 Août 2016
While dividing it into an N/2 size transforms, how does the MATLAB algorithm divide it? Is it that all the even-indexed elements go into one set and the odd indexed ones go into the other?
And, what algorithm is used? Radix-2 or Radix-4?
Thanks a lot in advance!

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