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'Clipping' the quiver plot

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Peng le 25 Nov 2014
I have a quiver plot in which some of the arrows are on the edge of the plot and pointing outwards. The portion of quiver arrows that are outside of the plot limit are invisible. I want to make that visible.
My research shows that there is a 'Clipping' option for quiver, it seems that by turning the 'Clipping' off, I will get what I want. However 'Clipping' off does not make any difference? What do I miss? Thanks.

Réponse acceptée

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski le 25 Nov 2014
Modifié(e) : Sean de Wolski le 25 Nov 2014
In R2014b, turning the clipping off works as I would expect:
axis([0 1 0 1])
ax = gca;
ax.Clipping = 'off';

Plus de réponses (2)

Peng le 27 Nov 2014
The problem was I'm using 2013, and after switching to 2014, it works. Thanks.
  1 commentaire
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski le 1 Déc 2014
A lot of the legacy clipping issues were fixed in 14b.

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William Thielicke
William Thielicke le 16 Juil 2021
When anything uses "axis image", then it is not possible to disable clipping anmore... Is this desired behaviour?
imagesc(rand(100,100));hold on;
quiver(rand(100,100),rand(100,100)*20,'Autoscale','off');hold off;
axis off;
axis image;
This doesn't work. It only works like this:
imagesc(rand(100,100));hold on;
quiver(rand(100,100),rand(100,100)*20,'Autoscale','off');hold off;
axis off;
%axis image;
  6 commentaires
William Thielicke
William Thielicke le 25 Mai 2022
Adding axis equal seems to be a workaround... So it is a bug?
Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson le 25 Mai 2022
Definitely a "feature". Make a bug-report, or enhancement request, whatever it's called.

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