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Finding Convolution and correlation of spatial filtering of an image

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ratna le 7 Oct 2011
Hi, I am writing matlab code for Convolution and correlation of spatial filtering of an image without using imfilter.
I am able to read and apply the mask on the image. I got the resulting intensity values. Now I need a command that reads these intensity values and display them as an image?
Thanks, Ratna

Réponse acceptée

bym le 9 Oct 2011
imagesc() % or
  3 commentaires
Ratna le 10 Oct 2011
imshow() doesn't work and imagesc() worked.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 10 Oct 2011
Then unfortunately you don't have the Image Processing Toolbox. You will have a tough time doing image processing without it. You'll have to reinvent a bunch of functions yourself, but I guess some people have more time than money, so have at it. Or maybe you don't know how to use it. If your image is floating point, did you use imshow(yourDoubleImageArray, [])? Those empty brackets are important - they tell it to scale otherwise you might not see what you expect.

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