How to take the maximum value of an array?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
arina octave
arina octave le 25 Fév 2015
Commenté : Star Strider le 25 Fév 2015
Hi, I have this array a = [1:20]. How do I take the maximum value of every 5 elements of it. So I will have b = [5 10 15 20]. Anyone can help me? Thank you.

Réponse acceptée

Star Strider
Star Strider le 25 Fév 2015
This works:
a = [1:20];
b = max(reshape(a, 5, []));
  6 commentaires
arina octave
arina octave le 25 Fév 2015
and I'm truly amazed with your answer.. aaa thank you so much Star Strider!
Star Strider
Star Strider le 25 Fév 2015
My pleasure!

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Plus de réponses (1)

Greig le 25 Fév 2015
Try something like this...
steps = 5;
b = NaN(mod(length(a)/steps,steps), 1); % preallocate b for speed, if you want to run larger loops
count = 1; % an index count for b in the loop
for ii = 1:steps:length(a)-(steps-1)
inds = ii:ii+(steps-1); % The indices we are interested in
b(count) = max(a(inds)); % Get the max
count = count+1; % add 1 to the counter
  1 commentaire
arina octave
arina octave le 25 Fév 2015
hi, thank you for kindly answer my question. but what i want is the x axis of signal b exactly like the x axis of signal a. do you have any idea how to do that? thank you...

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