Kinetic Models (Monod Equations)

24 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Learning le 9 Oct 2022
Commenté : Star Strider le 12 Oct 2022
  1. I saw the equations below in litrature. This is a process model for cultivation/fermentation process. Question is, being new to Matlab, how do I code this and fit it to experiemtal data?
  2. Can these equations be implemented as is in Simulink and the unknown parameters estimated based on the test/experiment data? like can Simulink solve these equations? I am not sure how to implement this and would any guiance you can provide.
  3. Example video from MathWorks is How to Estimate Model Parameters from Test Data with Simulink Video - MATLAB & Simulink (
  1 commentaire
Ghazwan le 9 Oct 2022
Hello! Yes, you can use both Matlab and Simulink. With Matlab, you can use ode45 and fminsearch to fit the equations to the experimental and find the parameters. Basically, the optimization tool functions.

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Star Strider
Star Strider le 9 Oct 2022
  17 commentaires
Learning le 12 Oct 2022
Modifié(e) : Learning le 12 Oct 2022
This is very helpful. You’ve done great and I am only grateful. I cannot get Cfit, theta vector and Tv to be output into the workspace. Logic is after finding the rate constants, I want to save these Cfit, tv and theta vector to the workspace so I can plot new data on it without using the Isqcurvefit (will comment out this call in the code).
But thank you brother. I appreciate it.
Star Strider
Star Strider le 12 Oct 2022
My pleasure!
I do not understand the problems you are having.

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