Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

how to read .txt file having the following format.

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
MakM le 1 Déc 2022
I have text file attached, how can I read it like a table in MATLAB?

Réponses (3)

cr le 1 Déc 2022
readtable(), importdata(), etc.
You may just drag and drop the file into workspace to launch importwizard. Make the appropriate settings and then choose generate code to see the underlying specifics.
  4 commentaires
MakM le 1 Déc 2022
importwizard is crashing my MATLAB.
cr le 2 Déc 2022
Which version of matlab and what os are you on?

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Star Strider
Star Strider le 1 Déc 2022
Use the readcell function —
C1 = readcell('https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1214888/example.txt')
C1 = 1×16 cell array
{'[{"ID":1'} {'Column_A:"red"'} {'Column_B:"apple"'} {'Column_C:0}'} {'{"ID":2'} {'Column_A:"orange"'} {'Column_B:"orange"'} {'Column_C:1}'} {'{"ID":2'} {'Column_A:"green"'} {'Column_B:"grapes"'} {'Column_C:3}'} {'{"ID":3'} {'Column_A:"purple"'} {'Column_B:"onion"'} {'Column_C:4}]'}
That will at least get it into your workspace.

Seth Furman
Seth Furman le 7 Déc 2022
fileContents = string(fileread("example.txt"))
fileContents = "[{"ID":1,"Column_A":"red","Column_B":"apple","Column_C":0},{"ID":2,"Column_A":"orange","Column_B":"orange","Column_C":1},{"ID":2,"Column_A":"green","Column_B":"grapes","Column_C":3},{"ID":3,"Column_A":"purple","Column_B":"onion","Column_C":4}]"
jsonStruct = jsondecode(fileContents)
jsonStruct = 4×1 struct array with fields:
ID Column_A Column_B Column_C
t = struct2table(jsonStruct)
t = 4×4 table
ID Column_A Column_B Column_C __ __________ __________ ________ 1 {'red' } {'apple' } 0 2 {'orange'} {'orange'} 1 2 {'green' } {'grapes'} 3 3 {'purple'} {'onion' } 4
t = convertvars(t,[2 3],"string")
t = 4×4 table
ID Column_A Column_B Column_C __ ________ ________ ________ 1 "red" "apple" 0 2 "orange" "orange" 1 2 "green" "grapes" 3 3 "purple" "onion" 4

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