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How can I open an Oxfor Instrument Pulsar .fid file in MATLAB?

9 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Marina Batlló RIus
Marina Batlló RIus le 18 Mar 2023
Commenté : Star Strider le 1 Avr 2023
I have several .fid files obtained using an Oxford Instrument Pulsar. This datafiles contain information about NMR data, and I can open them with MESTRENOVA with no problem. However, I am trying to create a full code in MATLAB that loads and treats the data, so I don't want to be dependent on external softwares.
When I upload the data into MATLAB using fread, I obtain something like this:
when I know the result should look like this:
Could anybody help me or guide me on how to open this datafiles ?
Thank you
  1 commentaire
Star Strider
Star Strider le 19 Mar 2023
As I advised in my Answer
Use zip or a non-MATLAB version of it to create a zip file that encloses the file you want to read, then upload it here.

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Réponse acceptée

Star Strider
Star Strider le 18 Mar 2023
Use zip or a non-MATLAB version of it to create a zip file that encloses the file you want to read, then upload it here. I have no idea what that file format is, however using readtable or a similar function and specifying 'FileType','text' might make it possible to read it in MATLAB if it is a text file.
If it is a binary file, there are options to read those as well if you know the encoding and format.
Otherwise, see if it is possible for the existing software to output a MATLAB .mat file or some format such as .xlsx that MATLAB can read easily.
  6 commentaires
Marina Batlló RIus
Marina Batlló RIus le 1 Avr 2023
Yeah, it is possible to do so with another software, but was trying to avoid that step because I need a full MATLAB executable that can take those. I haven't find either any information online on how to do it in MATLAB, so maybe there is no solution for those. Anyway thanks for your time!
Star Strider
Star Strider le 1 Avr 2023
The problem is not MATLAB, only the file format. If you can save it to an Excel file or even as a regular text file, that would work. The .fid files are apparently not readable unless it is possible to recover the encoding scheme and program it in MATLAB.

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Plus de réponses (1)

Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov le 18 Mar 2023
If it is a binary data file, then you can use fread(). See this doc how to employ fread():


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