create a pie subgraph with assigned percentage values
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I am using the following code to create a pie chart:
number = [78;79;80;81;82;83;84;85;86;87;88]';
value = [4509;5239;6400;9074;11047;13147;15137;13909;6354;1152;183]';
f = figure;
p = pie(value);
pText = findobj(p,'Type','text');
percentValues = get(pText,'String');
pcts = regexp(percentValues, '\d*', 'match');
pcts = cellfun(@(x)str2double(x), pcts);
idx = pcts<7;
combine = number(idx);
pctv = pcts(idx);
percentVals = compose(' (%d%%)',pcts(~idx));
percentVals{end+1} = [' (' num2str(sum(pctv)) '%)'];
nrc = compose('%d ', number(~idx)).';
nrc{end+1} = [num2str(combine) ' '];
cattxt = cellfun(@(x,y)cat(2,x,y),nrc, percentVals, 'Unif',0);
pText(numel(cattxt)+1:end) = [];
value2 = [value(~idx) sum(value(idx))];
p = pie(value2);
pPatch = findobj(p, 'Type','Patch');
cm = colormap(turbo(numel(pPatch)));
pText = findobj(p,'Type','text');
percentValues = get(pText,'String');
for k = 1:numel(cattxt)
pPatch(k).FaceColor = cm(k,:);
pText(k).String = [];
legend(cattxt, 'Location','eastoutside')
I would like to create a new pie chart named 'example', smaller and next to the main one (pie chart on the left), with the percentage values of '78 79 87 88' representing the numbers with % <=6% (I had set idx = pcts<7;).
I would like to get this pie chart as the end result (the colors, at the moment, are fine random):
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le 1 Sep 2023
number = [78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88];
value = [4509 5239 6400 9074 11047 13147 15137 13909 6354 1152 183];
str = 'example';
font_size = 9;
pcts = 100*value./sum(value);
idx = pcts < 7;
ax = nexttile();
p = pie(ax,[value(~idx) sum(value(idx))]);
t = p(2:2:end);
p = p(1:2:end);
set(t,{'String'},[repmat({''},numel(t)-1,1); {str}],'FontSize',font_size);
set(p,{'FaceColor'},[num2cell(turbo(numel(p)-1),2); {[1 1 1]}]);
ax.XLim = [-1 1];
ax.YLim = [-1 1];
p_all = p(1:end-1);
ax = nexttile();
p = pie(ax,value(idx));
t = p(2:2:end);
p = p(1:2:end);
text(ax,0,1.2,str, ...
'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
'VerticalAlignment','bottom', ...
ax.XLim = [-1.5 1.5];
ax.YLim = [-1.5 1.5];
p_all = [p_all p];
[~,idx] = ismember(number,[number(~idx) number(idx)]);
p_all = p_all(idx);
pcts = round(pcts);
txt = compose('%d (%d%%)',[number; pcts].');
idx = pcts == 0;
txt(idx) = compose('%d (<1%%)',number(idx));
ax = nexttile();
ax.Visible = 'off';
ax.YDir = 'reverse';
N = numel(number);
line(ax,[0 2 2 0 0],[0 0 N+1 N+1 0],'Color','k','Clipping','off')
patch(ax, ...
'XData',zeros(1,N)+0.5+0.3*[-1;1;1;-1;-1], ...
'YData',(1:N)+0.4*[-1;-1;1;1;-1], ...
'FaceColor','flat', ...
ax.XLim = [0 2];
ax.YLim = [-5 N+6];
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