Dimension of the species
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In my model in Simbiology, it has a species with dimension of (molecules/time) and connected with a release rate reaction.
An error window showed up saying that that unit is invalid and only mass, molecules or concentation are accepted as dimensions of species. Would you please explain why molecules/time can be a unit of species?
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Arthur Goldsipe
le 21 Sep 2023
In SimBiology, a species is intended to represent a entity (like a protein or some other chemical) that exists in a physical compartment that has a capacity (for example, a volume). So species units must be either in amout or concentration. This is what allows SimBiology to do mass balances for all the species participating in reactions.
If you want to model a state that has some other units, then you can do so by making it a parameter. If the value needs to change over time, then just be sure to set the Constant property to false. You can change the value of such a parameter using rules and events.
If you still have questions, I suggest sharing more details about your model. What is this thing that has units of (molecules/time) and how is it used in your model?
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