extracting lat/lon from tif file using matlab

28 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Seyedeh Fardis
Seyedeh Fardis le 24 Oct 2023
Commenté : Cris LaPierre le 25 Oct 2023
I have a tif file with a map of locations that has data. I want the lat/lon of that locations using matlab.
I ploted that in matlab using this code
[tifImage, R] = geotiffread('NA_CONUS_border.tif');
>> tifImageDouble = double(tifImage);
>> figure;
mapshow(tifImageDouble, R);
title('Georeferenced TIFF Image');
locations with data has [R,G,B]=[1 1 1].
I want to Convert pixel coordinates to geographic coordinates [lat lon].
does anyone have any idea how to do that?
  5 commentaires
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi le 24 Oct 2023
@Seyedeh Fardis Please attach the tif file (as asked earlier as well).
And mention which version of MATLAB you are using.
Seyedeh Fardis
Seyedeh Fardis le 24 Oct 2023
I'm using R2020a .

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Réponses (2)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre le 24 Oct 2023
Modifié(e) : Cris LaPierre le 24 Oct 2023
See this answer, which was updated in 2022.
I will mention that I did have to set the 'OutputType' to get it to work.
% Read image file using readgeoraster
fname = "NA_CONUS_border.tif";
[A,R] = readgeoraster(fname,"OutputType","double");
% Create grid of X,Y values
[x,y] = worldGrid(R);
% Convert grid of X,Y values to latitude/longitude
[lat,lon] = projinv(R.ProjectedCRS,x,y);
% Extract lat/lon locations of white line
NA_lat = lat(A==1);
NA_lon = lon(A==1);
% Plot extracted latitude/longitude on geographic axes
geobasemap satellite
title("geographic axes")
  2 commentaires
Seyedeh Fardis
Seyedeh Fardis le 25 Oct 2023
Thank you for that! does tif file contain data as well? I have a dataset and I want to see which data is for which node. I'm not sure if that data is available is tif file as well. if yes, how I can load then in matlab in ordeer of lat/lon?
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre le 25 Oct 2023
You could check what information is available using geotiffinfo

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DGM le 24 Oct 2023
I never really use mapping stuff, so take this with a grain of salt.
fname = 'NA_CONUS_border.tif';
[tifImage, R] = geotiffread(fname);
S = geotiffinfo(fname);
tifImage = double(tifImage); % contains unique values [0 1 2] (a label array??)
mapshow(tifImage, R);
title('Georeferenced TIFF Image');
% get pixels that are exactly 1
% this ignores the fact that pixels >1 will also be white.
% adjust the test accordingly
[row col] = find(tifImage == 1);
% convert to lat/lon
[x y] = pix2map(S.RefMatrix,row,col);
[lat lon] = projinv(S,x,y);
  1 commentaire
Seyedeh Fardis
Seyedeh Fardis le 25 Oct 2023
Thank you for that! does tif file contain data as well? I have a dataset and I want to see which data is for which node. I'm not sure if that data is available is tif file as well. if yes, how I can load then in matlab in ordeer of lat/lon?

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