Copy and Paste Excel Sheet into New WorkBook

10 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Logan Stetsko
Logan Stetsko le 7 Juil 2015
I have two excel files:
file1.xlsx has a formatted sheet that I want to copy and paste into sheet 2 of a new workbook: file2.xlsx.
Basically I want to copy a sheet from one book to another.
This is what I have so far( I have tried to modify what I've found from other Threads)
Excel = actxserver('excel.application');
wkbk = Excel.Workbooks.Open('file1');
wksheet = wkbk.Worksheets.Item('Sheet1');
wkbk = Excel.Workbooks.Open('file2.xlsx');
  3 commentaires
Jan le 19 Juil 2019
@Brian: The thread is old and the OP forgot to ask a question. So which answer do you mean?
Most likely it is the best idea to open your own question and to add the details there.
Mario Chiappelli
Mario Chiappelli le 19 Juil 2019
Something like this is best suited for VBA, I would recommend exploring how to use that.

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Pruthvi G
Pruthvi G le 30 Sep 2019

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