Monthly to annual totals
3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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I am hoping to convert monthly totals to annual totals using a loop. However, instead of using the calendar year (Jan-Dec) I want to use the water year which runs from October to September. I have a number of time series organised in a structure (468 rows, 1 column) starting from Oct 1960 and ending in Sept 1999.
I have attempted to sum up each 12 consecutive rows (1:12, 13:24 and so on) to get the annual totals but my code (below) is not doing the job (I am not sure what exactly it is doing) and I was hoping I could get some help fixing it. Many thanks!
for k=1:length(varnames)
for i=1:39
for months=1:12
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Réponses (2)
le 15 Sep 2024
Hi Anna,
To convert monthly totals to annual totals based on a water year (October to September), you will need to sum every 12 consecutive months starting from October. The current code seems to be assigning monthly values to the annual flow, instead of summing them.
Below is the modified code snippet for the required logic:
for k = 1:length(varnames)
p = 0;
for i = 1:39
% Initialize the sum for the current water year
annual_sum = 0;
% Sum the 12 months of the current water year
for months = 1:12
p = p + 1;
annual_sum = annual_sum + flow_monthly.(varnames{k})(p, 1);
% Store the sum in the annual_flow structure
annual_flow.(varnames{k})(i, 1) = annual_sum;
Hope this helps!
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Star Strider
le 15 Sep 2024
Y = 1960:1999;
M = 1:12;
Data = [[repmat(M(:), numel(Y), 1) repelem(Y(:), numel(M), 1)] randi(100, 480, 5)] % Create Data
idx = reshape(ones(12,1) * (1:numel(Y)+1), [], 1);
idx = idx([4:end-12 end-2:end]);
DataYr = accumarray(idx, (1:numel(idx)), [], @(x) {Data(x,:)}); % Demonstrate Function Results (Delete Later If Desired)
DataYrSum = accumarray(idx, (1:numel(idx)), [], @(x) {sum(Data(x,3:end))}); % Calculate Annual Sum
Result = [[Y(:); Y(end)+1] cell2mat(DataYrSum)];
The accumarray function existed in the 2012 versions of MATLAB. With it, no explicit loops are necessary.
The actual code (after importing the file, or creating the data as I did here) begins with creating the ‘idx’ vector.
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