How to load data from and .txt file?

14 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Benjamin Watson
Benjamin Watson le 15 Avr 2016
Hi All,
Ive been trying to load data from the .txt file that I've attached. What I've got so far is:
Spill = importdata('Spill.txt');
T = Spill(:,1);
C = Spill(:,2);
but I get an error "Index exceeds Matrix Dimensions". Can some please help me out. I can't change to ".data" file either as I have to extract the columns of data directly out of the .txt file. Much appreciated in advance.

Réponses (2)

J. Webster
J. Webster le 15 Avr 2016
Modifié(e) : J. Webster le 15 Avr 2016
To read a tab delimited ascii file while skipping the first row, try:
data = dlmread('Spill.txt','\t',1,0);
  2 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 15 Avr 2016
It depends on that MATLAB release you are using. Text anywhere in a file is not supported in R2014b or earlier, and possibly not in R2015a either (we have not gone back to figure out exactly when the change was made.)
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 15 Avr 2016
fid = fopen('Spill.txt', 'rt');
data = cell2mat( textscan(fid, '%f%f', 'Delimiter', '\t', 'HeaderLines', 1) );

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parham kianian
parham kianian le 2 Sep 2020
I think it is much easier to use textread function. Following link describe in full detail how to use this function to import data from a text file:


En savoir plus sur Data Import and Export dans Help Center et File Exchange


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