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Convert Radian to Degree in Plot axis only

20 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
james hayek
james hayek le 11 Sep 2016
Commenté : ahmed samir le 20 Déc 2020
I would like to show the X axis as degrees in the plot. The code has used radians all throughout.
Is there a way to convert the X axis values to represent degrees as oposed to radians?
My code is as follows:
% James
% Setting up the variables for the parameters
n1 = 1;
n2 = 1.5;
% We are looking to range theata_i from 0 t 90 degrees
% Using the linspace() command we can range values over some interval using
% the last argument as a step or incriment value
theata_i = linspace(0,pi/2,50)
% The value of theata_t as per Snells Law
theata_t = asin((n1/n2)*(sin(theata_i)))
% Notice the use of ./ this is an element by element divide, if we were to
% just use the divide sign, / , we would be dividing a scalar and would not
% get the array of values we are interested in.
reflectedPerpendic = (n1*cos(theata_i) - n2*cos(theata_t))./(n1*cos(theata_i) + n2*cos(theata_t))
% Using the plot function
plot( abs(theata_t), abs(reflectedPerpendic),'--r*')
%title('Graph of Reflected Perpencular Component')
% Same approach for the transmitted Perpendic value
transmittedPerpendic = (2*n1*cos(theata_i))./(n1*cos(theata_i) + n2*cos(theata_t))
% Ploting the above
plot( abs(theata_t), abs(transmittedPerpendic),'--b*')
title('Graph of Reflected & Transmitted Perpencular Components')
xlabel('0 < theata_i < pi/2')
ylabel('Reflected = Red, Transmitted = Blue')
% Same approach for the reflected Paralell value
reflectedParalell = (n2*cos(theata_i) - n1*cos(theata_t))./(n2*cos(theata_i) + n1*cos(theata_t))
% Ploting the above
plot( abs(theata_t), abs(reflectedParalell),'--g*')
%title('Graph of Reflected Paralell Component')
% Same approach for the transmitted Paralell value
transmittedParalell = (2*n1*cos(theata_i))./(n1*cos(theata_t) + n2*cos(theata_i))
% Ploting the above
plot( abs(theata_t), abs(transmittedParalell),'--m*')
title('Graph of Reflected & Transmitted Paralell Components')
xlabel('0 < theata_i < pi/2')
ylabel('Reflected = Green, Transmitted = Magenta')

Réponse acceptée

Star Strider
Star Strider le 11 Sep 2016
Try this:
% James
% Setting up the variables for the parameters
n1 = 1;
n2 = 1.5;
% We are looking to range theata_i from 0 t 90 degrees
% Using the linspace() command we can range values over some interval using
% the last argument as a step or incriment value
theata_i = linspace(0,pi/2,50);
% The value of theata_t as per Snells Law
theata_t = asin((n1/n2)*(sin(theata_i)));
% Notice the use of ./ this is an element by element divide, if we were to
% just use the divide sign, / , we would be dividing a scalar and would not
% get the array of values we are interested in.
reflectedPerpendic = (n1*cos(theata_i) - n2*cos(theata_t))./(n1*cos(theata_i) + n2*cos(theata_t));
% Using the plot function
plot( abs(theata_t), abs(reflectedPerpendic),'--r*')
%title('Graph of Reflected Perpencular Component')
% Same approach for the transmitted Perpendic value
transmittedPerpendic = (2*n1*cos(theata_i))./(n1*cos(theata_i) + n2*cos(theata_t));
% Ploting the above
plot( abs(theata_t), abs(transmittedPerpendic),'--b*')
title('Graph of Reflected & Transmitted Perpencular Components')
% xlabel('0 < theata_i < pi/2')
ylabel('Reflected = Red, Transmitted = Blue')
xtixr = get(gca, 'XTick');
xtixlbl = regexp(sprintf('%.1f°\n',xtixr*180/pi), '\n', 'split');
set(gca, 'XTick', xtixr, 'XTickLabel',xtixlbl)
xlabel('0 < theta_i < 180°')
% Same approach for the reflected Paralell value
reflectedParalell = (n2*cos(theata_i) - n1*cos(theata_t))./(n2*cos(theata_i) + n1*cos(theata_t));
% Ploting the above
plot( abs(theata_t), abs(reflectedParalell),'--g*')
%title('Graph of Reflected Paralell Component')
% Same approach for the transmitted Paralell value
transmittedParalell = (2*n1*cos(theata_i))./(n1*cos(theata_t) + n2*cos(theata_i));
% Ploting the above
plot( abs(theata_t), abs(transmittedParalell),'--m*')
title('Graph of Reflected & Transmitted Paralell Components')
% xlabel('0 < theata_i < pi/2')
xtixr = get(gca, 'XTick');
xtixlbl = regexp(sprintf('%.1f°\n',xtixr*180/pi), '\n', 'split');
set(gca, 'XTick', xtixr, 'XTickLabel',xtixlbl);
xlabel('0 < theta_i < 180°')
ylabel('Reflected = Green, Transmitted = Magenta')
  3 commentaires
Star Strider
Star Strider le 11 Sep 2016
My pleasure!
ahmed samir
ahmed samir le 20 Déc 2020

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Plus de réponses (1)

Hasitha Madushan
Hasitha Madushan le 1 Avr 2020
How to convert Y-axis value to radiant value


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