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How to plot the symbolic expression given by "root"

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
MGMKLML le 24 Mai 2017
Modifié(e) : Karan Gill le 17 Oct 2017
I want to solve the 3rd degree symbolic equation. I chose "solve" for this purpose. It gives the answer with "root(...)"; For example,
root(z^3 - (9*z^2)/10 + (17*z)/40 - 9/40, z, 1)
root(z^3 - (9*z^2)/10 + (17*z)/40 - 9/40, z, 2)
root(z^3 - (9*z^2)/10 + (17*z)/40 - 9/40, z, 3)
Now I want to plot this function, I mean, z^3 - (9*z^2)/10 + (17*z)/40. The problem is that this expression depends on the coefficients I give to the function. I could copy and paste this equation myself but then I need to do it everytime I change the coefficients which is pretty uncomfortable.
Is it possible to get the symbolic expression or just to make MATLAB plot the function somehow without doing it manually?
The code is here:
function draft14
fsys = @(x,y,z,c,mu1,s1,r2,b,s2) [c*y - mu1*x + x*z + s1; ...
r2*y*(1 - b*y) - x*y; ...
z - x*y + s2];
c = 0.2;
mu1 = 0.5;
s1 = 0.1;
r2 = 0.9;
b = 0.5;
s2 = 0;
par = [c mu1 s1 r2 b s2];
f = @(t,x) fsys(x(1),x(2),x(3),par(1),par(2),par(3),par(4),par(5),par(6));
tspan = 0:0.01:2;
y0 = [0.1 0.9 0.1];
[~,Y] = ode45(f,tspan,y0);
plot3(Y(:,1),Y(:,2),Y(:,3)); hold on;
plot3(y0(1),y0(2),y0(3), 'o','LineWidth',3);
xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y'); zlabel('Z');
xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y');
function cubeq(par) %Решает численно кубическое уравнение
c = par(1);
mu1 = par(2);
s1 = par(3);
r2 = par(4);
b = par(5);
s2 = par(6);
syms x
f = x^3 - r2*x^2 + (c + mu1*r2*b)*x - r2*(b*s1 + c);
s = solve(f,x);
disp('Решение кубического уравнения:');
clear x;
P.S. In the code above you can see than I set the parameters in the first function and then give it to the "cubeq" function. In the "cubeq" function I need to plot the cubic parabola, on which the roots depend.

Réponses (3)

Karan Gill
Karan Gill le 25 Mai 2017
Modifié(e) : Karan Gill le 17 Oct 2017
If I understand correctly, you're asking " How can I automatically substitute values into a symbolic expression?". Use the subs function: https://www.mathworks.com/help/symbolic/subs.html
Googling " substitute value symbolic matlab " should show " subs " as the first result.
Here, use something like
params = [c mu1 ...];
paramValues = [0.2 0.5 ...];
f = subs(f,params,paramValues)
  2 commentaires
MGMKLML le 25 Mai 2017
Not exactly what I meant. I meant to plot the function which is given in the root expression, I mean, what stands under "root(...)"
Karan Gill
Karan Gill le 26 Mai 2017
Then use children and fplot as Walter said.

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Star Strider
Star Strider le 25 Mai 2017
See if using vpasolve instead of solve does what you want:
s = vpasolve(f,x);

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 25 Mai 2017
Once you have a root() expression, you can use children() on it to extract the formula, after which you can plot as per usual, either by subs in numeric values or by fplot()
  2 commentaires
MGMKLML le 25 Mai 2017

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