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How to solve Conversion to cell from double is not possible.

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nora Khaled
Nora Khaled le 29 Août 2017
Commenté : Nora Khaled le 30 Août 2017
I am trying to create an array named actOld using this code
for i=1:nPlayers
and the error message " Conversion to cell from double is not possible. , actOld(i)=randi(3);" appears.
  8 commentaires
Adam le 29 Août 2017
Well I don't see how it is a cell array at the moment. It appears to be a numeric array that is sub-optimally growing in a loop.
Nora Khaled
Nora Khaled le 30 Août 2017
thank you all.

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Réponses (2)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang le 29 Août 2017
Modifié(e) : Fangjun Jiang le 29 Août 2017
Your variable actOld must be cell. Check it using class(actOld);
>> actOld=cell(5,1);
>> actOld(1)=randi(3)
Conversion to cell from double is not possible.
Use actOld{i}=randi(i) if that is what you want.
  3 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 29 Août 2017
If you need to be able to assign an entire vector to act(j) where j is a scalar, then you will need to create a new Vector object class and define appropriate indexing and mathematical operations for it. When you have act(j) with scalar j then that is notation for referring to a scalar.
If I recall correctly, someone put a vector class into the File Exchange.
As you want act to be a vector of vectors, and as k is a scalar there will be no places where the vector act(j) is equal to the scalar k.
Nora Khaled
Nora Khaled le 30 Août 2017
thank you all.

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Jan le 29 Août 2017
You do not need a vector class or a cell array. The problem can be solved with numerical arrays directly:
uAve = zeros(nRoads, nPlayers);
actOld = randi(3, 3, nPlayers);
No need for a loop. Accessing the sub matrices works easy and efficient. So there is potential to simplify the code and fix the problem at the same time.


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