Can you help me ?
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Write a function called year2016 that returns a row-vector of struct-s whose elements correspond to the days of a month in 2016 as specified by the input argument. If the input is not an integer between 1 and 12, the function returns the empty array. Each struct should contain three fields with these (exact) field names: “month”, “date”, and “day” (all lower case).
- The month field must contain a string with the name of the month (first letter capitalized).
- The date field must contain a scalar specifying the day of the month.
- The day field must contain the three-letter abbreviation of the day chosen from this list: 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'.
For example, here is a call of the function followed by a command that shows the seventh element of the struct array that is returned by the function:
>> m = year2016(2);
>> m(7)
ans =
month: 'February'
date: 7
day: 'Sun'
My code is here;
function x = year2016(m)
year2016.month = {'January';'February';'March';'April';'May';'June';'July';'August';'September';'October';'November';'December'};
TypeList = {'Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'};
for k = 1:numel(TypeList)
x = TypeList{k};
if month >0 && month<=12
x = 'NONE';
I know that it has many error but I haven't associate month , day and date. Please help me?
Réponses (2)
le 24 Déc 2017
Modifié(e) : Walter Roberson
le 25 Déc 2017
% I modified this function from stephen cobeldick post
function out = year2016(m)
if ~isscalar(m) || m <1 || m~=fix(m)
out = [];
VN = datenum([2016,m,1]):datenum([2016,m+1,1])-1;
DN = 1+mod(VN-3,7);
MC = {'January';'February';'March';'April';'May';'June';'July';'August';'September';'October';'November';'December'};
DC = {'Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'};
out = struct('day',DC(DN),'date',num2cell(1:numel(VN)));
[out(:).month] = deal(MC{m});
2 commentaires
Emma Sellers
le 4 Jan 2019
I have tried using a code similar to this and I get an error when the code runs
m = [1 2 ]
what needs to be added?
I tried adding sizeof(m)>1 to line three and that did not help.
Ugur Ulas
le 10 Jan 2018
Modifié(e) : Ugur Ulas
le 10 Jan 2018
Hello, it s another solution:
function m = year2016(A,B)
day_no = datenum(2016,A,1)-datenum(2016,0,1);
day_mod = mod((B+day_no+4),7);
if day_mod == 0
day_mod = 7
month = {'January' 'February' 'March' 'April' 'May' 'June' 'July' 'August' 'September' 'October' 'December' 'November'};
day = {'Mon' 'Tue' 'Wed' 'Thu' 'Fri' 'Sat' 'Sun'};
if 0>A || 12<A || 0>B || (datenum(2016,A+1,1)-datenum(2016,A,1))<B
m = struct([])
a = month{A};
b = day{day_mod};
m = struct('month',a,'date', B ,'day',b);
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