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insert several zeros between two samples

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
nonet21 le 11 Nov 2017
Commenté : nonet21 le 11 Nov 2017
Hello, I have un signal xN with irregular sampling and i want insert zeros with a step of 100e-3 between my samples So i have my signal where my samples are for example: tN=[0.985,1.36,1.58,2.65,.....] And the number of zeros to put between my samples is searching like that for i=1:Tmax-1 a=round(((tN(i+1)-tN(i))/(te))-1); end So my aim is to create a signal y with the same irregular sampling that xN and between the samples, insert zeros with a step of 100e-3

Réponses (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider le 11 Nov 2017
This seems to do what you want, given the sample time vector you provided:
tN=[0.985,1.36,1.58,2.65]; % Original Time Vector
v = min(tN) : 0.001 : max(tN); % Create Time Vector With 0.001 Steps
[Lv,nv] = ismembertol(v, tN, 0.0001); % Logical Vector ‘Lv’ & ‘nv’ Subscripts Into ‘v’ Matching ‘tN’
nv(Lv) = tN; % New Time Vector With Zeros Between Original Times
  3 commentaires
Star Strider
Star Strider le 11 Nov 2017
My script creates a uniformly-sampled vector between the minimum and maximum values of ‘tN’ with a step of 0.001. It then creates a vector of zeros (with the 0.001 spacing) and maps the existing values of ‘tN’ onto the values of ‘vn’ that correspond to those times.
I thought that is what you want.
nonet21 le 11 Nov 2017
I would like to first find the number of zeros to be able to put between each samples with a step of 100e-3 and then insert these zeros into a vector with the right time and not do a sampling directly between the min value and the max value, but all the time between the sample i and the sample i + 1 and then insert them into a vector with the right time space

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