Why do I get a message "You must verify your university login information" or error code 2112 when trying install or activate MATLAB?

37 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Why do I get a message "You must verify your university login information" or an error code 2112 when attempting to install or activate MATLAB?

Réponse acceptée

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team le 23 Déc 2024 à 0:00
Modifié(e) : MathWorks Support Team le 20 Sep 2022
This message means your University's license is using Shibboleth Identity Management. In order to proceed you must click on the link provided and input your University credentials to verify you are a current member of the University. After you enter your credentials and you are still a current member of the University, you will be able to proceed with the installation/activation.
If you receive error 2112 and you are not properly redirected to your school's login page, you may need to reverify your license before completing the installation. To reverify, go to matlab.mathworks.com and log in to your MathWorks account using your student email address.
Alternatively, you can reverify using your campus portal page. Search mathworks.com for the name of your school and click on the page that says your school's name followed by "MATLAB Access for Everyone". Then click the "Sign in to get started" button and authenticate on your school's login page.

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