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Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Naor David
Naor David le 25 Nov 2017
Commenté : Naor David le 25 Nov 2017
Hello, I'm trying to do the following assignment and get an error: "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch" "masking" is new veriable and this is the first assignment to it. "indx" is as follow: 300x10x2011 logical
what is wrong?

Réponse acceptée

KL le 25 Nov 2017
You're trying to assign a 3D matrix into a 2D one. Try,
masking(:,:,:,1) = indx;
  1 commentaire
Naor David
Naor David le 25 Nov 2017
Thanks a lot! Helped me understand my mistake...:)

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