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how to sum a vector without sum function
Your idea of using for loop is correct but you should use it to calculate the sum not the mean. If there's a vector A = [1,2,3,...

plus de 6 ans il y a | 1

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automatically create a group of same elements from an array
try this, result =mat2cell(sort(A),1, histcounts(findgroups(A))) %A is your array Output is a cell array where you have...

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can anyone help me to change the numbering in y axis to some names, say 'X', 'Y','Z' ?
Just like how you've handled the X-Axis, set(gca,'YTicklabel',{'X','Y','Z'})

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I have data in the same excel workbook but in 10 different work sheets and i'm trying to run a loop that will read in the data from each work sheet consectutively.
You could use |xlsread| along with |xlsinfo|. [status,sheets] = xlsfinfo(filename); Now, you have all the sheet names un...

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How can I use 'strcat' and 'for loop' to read my Excel data?
There are better ways to handle multiple files in MATLAB. But the main problem in your attempt is that you're not only trying to...

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Assign matrix to struct
probably you mean something like this g.a(:,1)=[1 2 3 4]'; g.a(:,2)=[1 1 3 4]'; g.a(:,3)=[4 3 1 2]' c=[1 2] b=[...

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Réponse apportée
How to change cell arrays to 3D arrays in order to speed up calculations?
Convert |x| into a 3d matrix using x_mat = cat(3,x{:}); and then if you want to extract 5th row from all the pages, x...

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how to get the all possible combination between two range of numbers
The example and description is a but confusing but if you ask _how to get the all possible combination between two range of numb...

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cell mean from each cells
It doesn't matter how many lines each cell has. Probably you want something like, C = {rand(50,7),rand(30,7),rand(100,7)}; %...

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Réponse apportée
Cell array to Matrices
Use 3D matrices, it's a better idea. C_mat = cell2mat(permute(C,[1,3,2]))

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Can I reference dates, instead of element index numbers, when referencing a time series?
Use the dates to extract the desired indices. Look at the following example, % Create some dummy data t = datetime([2018 1 ...

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Extracting the data from a column vector according to mod
Instead of creating multiple variables, why not simply reshape your vector into a matrix? x = (1:20); reshape(x,4,[]) an...

plus de 6 ans il y a | 2

Réponse apportée
Calculate the mean of two dimensions in a 3D array
If you want the mean of all rows in every page(3rd dimension) mean(ImageROI,1) for columns in every page mean(ImageRO...

presque 7 ans il y a | 0

Réponse apportée
Summing elements of an array
sum([P{:}]) But why would you store it in cell array? If they are all numeric, better use a numeric array.

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How to join pages to make a 3D matrix?
Use cat, cat(3,X,Y)

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Adding elements of a matrix
I'm not entirely sure what you want but if you want to calculate mean of all the RGB numbers and have 1x3 result, mean(cell2...

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Loop through a vector with changing legth
why not use a while loop? idx = 1; while idx<=numel(z) %do something z = z(abs(z-z(idx)>=1)); idx = idx+1; ...

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how to solve the error "Not enough input arguments."
It's a *function*. You should call it by output = convert2GPS(input) Keep in mind the size of input. link: <https://ww...

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Réponse apportée
How to repeat sample data in minutes?
Your variable name looks like you're working with irradiation, in that case I wouldn'r recommend interpolation for your simulati...

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help on a histogram plot!
use |bar3|, bar3(matrix)

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Removal of values from cell arrays
If all your arrays have consistent dimension, it's a lot simpler. Not very different from the other answer though, just with cel...

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import csv into mate
You're overwriting A everytime. Before you start the loop define A as a cell array, A = cell(numFiles,1) and then inside ...

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Réponse apportée
Add zeros to matrices same as length of another matrix
_can I add zeros to the bold 360x3 matrix to make it 369x3 in one go?_ You say you want to add *9 rows* but you are trying to...

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Réponse apportée
Read data from file
Something quick, d = readtable('whole res.txt'); d = table2cell(d); d = regexprep(d,' ',''); d = cellfun(@str2do...

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Réponse apportée
Index exceeds matrix dimensions help
There are so many issues. Let's address your error first. Your counter variable |n| is bigger than the size of your |y| vector (...

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Réponse apportée
How to compare spec limit
Do it with a logical mask, V1 = 0.16; V1_LL = 0.36; V1_UL = 0.66; V1(V1<V1_LL) = V1_LL; V1(V1>V1_UL) = V1_UL;

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Réponse apportée
how to save every iteration into workspace
You're overwriting alpha during every iteration. Replace |alpha| with |alpha(c)| and then move the save command outside the loop...

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Réponse apportée
Entering a vector in a function with if else statement
I'm afraid your usage of |sorted_data(i-1)==NaN| would always return false. The right way to find if a value is nan is to use |i...

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Réponse apportée
Make a function accept vector
This is called the element-wise operation. When you write |x^2|, MATLAB tries to find |x*x| but when you write |x.^2|, it calcul...

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How do I fill a column and/or row vector with the j-th/i-th sums of a magic matrix' vectors?
If I understand you correctly, you want to make the sum of rows and columns, mag = rand(4); r = sum(mag,1); c = sum(mag,...

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