How can I match a value on a matlab plot?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Julia de Lange
Julia de Lange le 11 Jan 2018
Commenté : Star Strider le 12 Jan 2018
I have identified the first peak value in my dataset. I'd like to know the first x-value at the point at which this peak y-value occurs again. Any suggestions? p

Réponse acceptée

Star Strider
Star Strider le 11 Jan 2018
Modifié(e) : Star Strider le 11 Jan 2018
Use the ‘locs’ value:
[pks,locs] = findpeaks(Voltage, 'MinPeakDist',2000, 'NPeaks',1);
peakTimes = Time(locs);
See the plot call in my previous code to demonstrate how to do this.
‘I'd like to determine x (time) the next time 1.4147 (y, voltage) occurs.’
This will give all the ‘Voltage’ and ‘Time’ values that equal or exceed the initial peak value:
[D,S,R] = xlsread('Data.xls');
Time = D(:,1);
Voltage = D(:,2);
[pks,locs] = findpeaks(Voltage, 'MinPeakDist',2000, 'NPeaks',1, 'MinPeakHeight',1.2);
VoltageThreshold = Voltage - pks*0.99;
zci = @(v) find(v(:).*circshift(v(:), [-1 0]) <= 0); % Returns Approximate Zero-Crossing Indices Of Argument Vector
zx = zci(VoltageThreshold);
TimeNew = Time(zx); % Time Vector, Voltage >= VoltageThreshold
VoltageNew = Voltage(zx); % Voltage Vector, Voltage >= VoltageThreshold
plot(Time, Voltage)
hold on
plot(Time(locs), Voltage(locs), '+g')
plot(TimeNew, VoltageNew, '+r')
hold off
  12 commentaires
Julia de Lange
Julia de Lange le 12 Jan 2018
worked, thank you!
Star Strider
Star Strider le 12 Jan 2018
As always, my pleasure!

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Plus de réponses (1)

SRT HellKitty
SRT HellKitty le 11 Jan 2018
Say you have data with peaks for the Y-Axis and linear data for the X-Axis
Y = [1:5,1:5,1:5];
X = [1:15];
Now you have 3 peaks in Y, when it equals 5. If you want to know what value of X is when Y is equal to 5 you could do a logical index;
X_at_peaks = X(Y == 5);
That would show that X is 5, 10, and 15 when Y is equal to 5.
  2 commentaires
Julia de Lange
Julia de Lange le 11 Jan 2018
Modifié(e) : Julia de Lange le 11 Jan 2018
Let me give you more details. I have attached my data with one time (x) plotted versus voltage (y). I have found the first peak to occur at (1.037,1.4147). I'd like to determine x (time) the next time 1.4147 (y, voltage) occurs.
SRT HellKitty
SRT HellKitty le 11 Jan 2018
If voltage is exactly 1.4147 another time in the data, do the logical indexing with respect to time
Peaks = time (Voltage == 1.4147)

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