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How to save SURF feature value?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
S.A le 23 Avr 2018
Commenté : chetna kaushal le 2 Août 2019
I have extracted feature from a single image using SURF feature extraction method. The extracted features are in matrix of 64 column and i have made a matrix to single value i.e adding matrix values. But my problem is, the particular single value which i have obtained by using sum function keeps altering every time when I run the code. Once if the value is 32.0676 next time when i run the same code it will be 29.0778 or something other value. I have attached the code for it and the image.
  1 commentaire
chetna kaushal
chetna kaushal le 2 Août 2019
the extracted features are in a 64 column but value is different for each image. say 322*64, 593*64, 233*64. How did you come up to a single value? and how to feed them for testing in classification.

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Réponse acceptée

KALYAN ACHARJYA le 23 Avr 2018
Modifié(e) : KALYAN ACHARJYA le 23 Avr 2018
Because in your code following random column vector generation is there, every time it generates different column vector, therefore "sumoffeatures" value changes
columnvector = rand(1,64)
  3 commentaires
KALYAN ACHARJYA le 23 Avr 2018
Modifié(e) : KALYAN ACHARJYA le 23 Avr 2018

Just fixed the column vector, add one following line-

columnvector = rand(1,64)
S.A le 23 Avr 2018
Thank you. It works

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