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How to vary the interval of this matrix?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Pedro Guevara
Pedro Guevara le 26 Juil 2018
Modifié(e) : per isakson le 28 Juil 2018
Thank you all for the reply. I already solved, in part, the problem I had, but now I have another. I have this line of code:
prueba=['MK_G', num2str(px(j,1)),'(4:6,4:6)'];
where 'MK_G', num2str (px (j, 1)) are N number of matrices that are already created. but I require, in some way, that the intervals of the matrix that I am evaluating (in this case 4: 6,4: 6) are in some way variable. I thank you for your collaboration with this new problem.
  6 commentaires
Steven Lord
Steven Lord le 26 Juil 2018
Looks like a continuation of this Answer.
jonas le 26 Juil 2018
Ugh.. Looks like he didn't pick up on the advice regarding dynamic variables.

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Réponses (1)

jonas le 26 Juil 2018
Modifié(e) : jonas le 26 Juil 2018
i is your variable, then
formatSpec = '(%d:%d,%d:%d)';
str = sprintf(formatSpec,i,i+2,i,i+2)
prueba=['MK_G', num2str(px(j,1)),str];
You want the length of the interval to be variable as well? Just change the 2 to a variable.
  2 commentaires
Pedro Guevara
Pedro Guevara le 26 Juil 2018
I will try this code. thank you very much.
jonas le 26 Juil 2018
Modifié(e) : jonas le 26 Juil 2018
No problem! I changed to sprintf for building the string instead, a bit more elegant.
EDIT: Ugh... Don't name variables dynamically. It's not good practice. Better use cell arrays or dynamic field variables.

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