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How to merge two 3D images or even 2D by Matlab?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mahdi Noroozi
Mahdi Noroozi le 29 Mai 2019
Modifié(e) : Mahdi Noroozi le 29 Mai 2019
How to merge two 3D images or even 2D by Matlab?
  4 commentaires
KALYAN ACHARJYA le 29 Mai 2019
Modifié(e) : KALYAN ACHARJYA le 29 Mai 2019
Attach two images?
Merge menas infuse or concatenate (horizantly or vertically)?
Mahdi Noroozi
Mahdi Noroozi le 29 Mai 2019
I think that the word of merge is better because it obtain a point clouds shape from combine these 3D images.
In the attached images, the images are placed together 2D space and do not get curved(3D).

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