help with adding the text location
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Star Strider
le 5 Juin 2019
You should be able to determine what xlim and ylim are after you do the plot.
Try this:
x = -10:10;
y = (rand(1,21)-0.5)*20;
plot(x, y, 'pg')
NE = [max(xlim) max(ylim)]-[diff(xlim) diff(ylim)]*0.05;
SW = [min(xlim) min(ylim)]+[diff(xlim) diff(ylim)]*0.05;
NW = [min(xlim) max(ylim)]+[diff(xlim) -diff(ylim)]*0.05;
SE = [max(xlim) min(ylim)]+[-diff(xlim) diff(ylim)]*0.05;
text(NE(1), NE(2), 'NORTHEAST!', 'VerticalAlignment','top', 'HorizontalAlignment','right')
text(SW(1), SW(2), 'SOUTHWEST!', 'VerticalAlignment','bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
text(NW(1), NW(2), 'NORTHWEST!', 'VerticalAlignment','top', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
text(SE(1), SE(2), 'SOUTHEAST!', 'VerticalAlignment','bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment','right'
Experiment to get the result you want.
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Walter Roberson
le 5 Juin 2019
You have a small number of choices:
- use legend()
- just before doing the text(), fetch the axis xlim and ylim and use those. If you need the axis limits to be able to change then if it is due to the user adding additional data, then you can use a listener to detect that; if it is due to the user resizing then you can add a ResizeFcn callback
- use a second axes that shares position with the first one, and where you position the text in coordinates relative to that second axes
- lock the relative position of the axes relative to the figure, and use annotation()
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Sven Merk
le 14 Juil 2023
Modifié(e) : Sven Merk
le 14 Juil 2023
What about this? Setting the unit to normalized allows you to position your text regardless of the data values.
Method = "plus";
Metric = "sqeuclidean";
Clusters = 2;
some_data = rand(100,2)* 20; % multiply with 20 just to show that the data values do not matter
class = kmeans(some_data, Clusters, Distance=Metric, Start=Method);
scatter(some_data(:,1), some_data(:,2), 10, class);
lbl = "\begin{tabular}{l l}" + ...
"Center-Init Method & " + Method + "\\" + ...
"Metric & " + Metric + "\\" + ...
"Clusters & " + string(Clusters) + "\\" + ...
text(0.05, 0.95, lbl, Units="normalized", Interpreter="latex", VerticalAlignment="top", HorizontalAlignment="left");
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