ode15s error line 150

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Aimi Oguri
Aimi Oguri le 23 Sep 2019
function [ydot, yinit, option] = Koo1( t , y , flag )
switch flag
case ''
RT = 4.4*10^4;
k1 = 6.0*10^-4;
k2 = 1;
k3 = 3.32;
k4 = 2500;
k5 = 5.0*10^-11;
k6 = 0.05;
k7 = 150;
K1 = 0;
K2 = 200;
K3 = 150;
K4 = 80;
K5 = 321;
Khi = 380;
kCICR = 1;
KCICR = 0;
kCCE = 0;
BT = 1.2*10^5;
Ca0 = 100;
Qshear = 3000;
Vp = 815;
Vex = 9165;
Vhi = 2380;
tau1 = 66;
tau2 = 0.01;
fracK = 7.07*10^6;
v1 = k7 * Cab - k6 * Cac * (BT - Cab);
v2 = kCCE * (((fracK * Ca0)/(K3 + Ca0)) - Cas) * (Caex - Cas);
v3 = k1*(RT - (RT/2) * (exp(-t/tau1) + exp(-t/tau2) + ((exp(-t/tau1) - exp(-t/tau2)) * (tau1 + tau2) / (tau1 - tau2)))) * (exp(-t/tau1) -exp(-t/tau2)) * (Cac / (K1 + Cac));
v4 = k2 * IP3;
v5 = k3 * (kCICR * Cac / (KCICR + Cac)) * (IP3 / (K2 + IP3))^3 * Cas - k4 * (Cac/(K3 + Cac))^2 + k5 * Cas^2;
v6 = Vex * Cac / (K5 + Cac);
v7a = Vp * Cac^2 / ( K4^2 + Cac^2);
v7b= Vhi * Cac^4/( Khi^4 + Cac^4);
v8 = Qshear;
ydot = [- v1;
- v2 + v6 + v7a - v7b;
v2 - v5;
v1 + v5 + v8 - v6 -v7a -v7b;
v3 -v4];
case 'init'
ydot = 0:1:900;
yinit = [ 3870; 1.5*10^6; 2.83*10^6; 117.2; 0];
option = odeset('RelTol',1.0e-7);
>> [t,y] = ode15s( 'Koo1');
エラー: vertcat
エラー: Koo1 (line 48)
ydot = [- v1;
エラー: odearguments (line 90)
f0 = feval(ode,t0,y0,args{:}); % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0.
エラー: ode15s (line 150)
odearguments(FcnHandlesUsed, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);

Réponse acceptée

Star Strider
Star Strider le 23 Sep 2019
The problem is ‘ydot’. It must be a column vector, and the spaces are causing MATLAB to consider it a matrix. The easiest way to deal with that is simply to put parentheses around each element:
ydot = [(- v1);
(- v2 + v6 + v7a - v7b);
(v2 - v5);
(v1 + v5 + v8 - v6 -v7a -v7b);
(v3 -v4)];
That worked when I tested it.
Also, for that same reason, this is not going to work:
ydot = 0:1:900;
You need to figure out some way of doing what you want with that in the context of the necessity that ‘ydot’ be a column vector.

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