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How to plot a function that relies on another function?

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Maxwell Yant
Maxwell Yant le 21 Fév 2020
Commenté : Stephen23 le 22 Fév 2020
Hello, so I want to plot X on the Y-axis with Y on the X-axis with Y ranging from [-10 10]. However values of X depend on A which depends on Y so I cant figure out how I can plot Y with values ranging from [-10 10] and have X on the Y-axis. I realize I can initially make Y an array but i want infinite data points in the interval. Sorry if the wording is confusing.
  2 commentaires
Maxwell Yant
Maxwell Yant le 21 Fév 2020
sorry this is my first post I dont know why it printed out like a line of code
Stephen23 le 22 Fév 2020
"sorry this is my first post I dont know why it printed out like a line of code"
I don't think it is anything that you did: some recent changes to this forum seem to incorrectly format the first paragraph as code, I have seen quite a few questions like this in the last week or so.
I just fixed your question by selecting the text and clicking the TEXT button:

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Star Strider
Star Strider le 21 Fév 2020
Since ‘A’ is a function, it must be evaluated in order to use its results.
Try this:
A = @(y) y*2;
X = @(y) A(y)+10;
fplot(X, [-10 10])
Also, note the slight changes in the code.
  4 commentaires
Maxwell Yant
Maxwell Yant le 21 Fév 2020
ok thanks again!
Star Strider
Star Strider le 22 Fév 2020
As always, my pleasure!

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