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Wideband LOS channel block - propagate to multiple destinations

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
The Wideband LOS channel block mentions that it can propagate one point in space to multiple points or from multiple points back to one point via line-of-sight (LOS) channels. I want to propagate a signal from one location to 8 locations - so I set the Pos2 and Vel2 ports to be 3x8 arrays, assuming it will give a matrix of the propagated signals at the output port. But it instead causes an error :
'Expected input Pos2 to be of size [3 1] when it is actually size [3 8]'
How do you propagate one signal to multiple locations? Is using multiple copies of the same block the only way?

Réponse acceptée

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen le 11 Mai 2020
Could you share how you invoked the block? My guess is your signal is a single column vector while the block is expecting a matrix with 8 columns so each column is sent to a location. If that's the case, you can add a block to replicate the signal to a matrix if your intention is to send the same signal to all locations. Meanwhile we'll try to enhance the block so it knows how to handle this situation.
  2 commentaires
Sreekar Sai Ranganathan
Sreekar Sai Ranganathan le 12 Mai 2020
Thank you! Having the input as a matrix worked.
My scenario : I have a wideband transmit array block with a single custom antenna and a wideband receive array with eight elements (element spacing much lesser than propagation distance). I had earlier given the port input to angle (for the transmit block) as [0 0] (taking the angle at which all elements are to be approximately zero), so it had output only one signal. Making it a 2x8 matrix (specifying the angle at which each element is) made it work. Anyway, having the feature of using a vector may be useful in some cases - so I guess should work.
As a sidenote - could the documentation for Simulink blocks please be made a lot more clear? In many documentation pages, I feel the description for each of the parameters and ports are quite difficult to understand for a beginner.
Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen le 12 Mai 2020
Thanks for the suggestion on documentation, I'll work with our documentation team to improve it.

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Plus de réponses (1)

majd abdullah
majd abdullah le 10 Déc 2020
you should to add (duplicate columns) block befor (free space channel) block
and in (duplicate columns) block add array from 8 elements




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