How to plot confident interval of ecdf() as shade?
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Hello all,
I used ecdf() to plot my data, it calculates upper and lower band, but I don't know how to plot them like this:
a = rand(30,1);
[f1,x1,up,low] = ecdf(a);
Anyone knows how I can achive such a plot? Thanks
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Star Strider
le 12 Août 2020
Try this:
a = rand(30,1);
[f1,x1,up,low] = ecdf(a);
idx = ~isnan(up) & ~isnan(low);
plot(x1(idx), f1(idx), '-r')
hold on
patch([x1(idx); flipud(x1(idx))], [up(idx); flipud(low(idx))], 'b', 'FaceAlpha',0.25, 'EdgeColor','none')
hold off
legend('f1', '95% Confidence Interval', 'Location','SE')
The data are random, so for example for one run:
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