how can we represent the histogram of a vector without using the hist function ?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
jan le 11 Mai 2013
hi every body how can I represent the histogram of a data vector without using the hist function ? thanks
  1 commentaire
Cedric le 12 Mai 2013
Modifié(e) : Cedric le 12 Mai 2013
Yet another series of hints:
doc accumarray
You could think of a solution where you generate the subs argument by using CEIL on the quotient of your dataset and a relevant factor (related to the size of bins); and you use a vector of ones (sized appropriately) as the val argument.

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Réponses (6)

the cyclist
the cyclist le 11 Mai 2013
You could use the bar() function.

jan le 11 Mai 2013
no what i mean that i dont want to represent it with bars but only line that represent the distribution of my data(in vector)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 11 Mai 2013
You would essentially have to program up the internals of the histogram function yourself. Very, very easy to do, once you've decided on your bin edge locations. Just think it through in your head and I'm sure you'll know what the code needs to be. It's fairly trivial, so you probably won't need any help.

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov le 11 Mai 2013
X = randi(20,40,1);
ii = [-inf 0:4:20 inf]
out = sum(bsxfun(@lt,X,ii(2:end))&bsxfun(@ge,X,ii(1:end-1)))

jan le 11 Mai 2013
THANKS andrei Bobrov for the response but i need not to use the histc function because i want to represent my data without bars only line
  2 commentaires
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 11 Mai 2013
This should have been a comment to Andrei, rather than an "Answer" to your original question. So am I to assume that programming up your own histogram, like I suggested, is too challenging for you?
Randy Souza
Randy Souza le 14 Mai 2013
I deleted two less-than-constructive comments here.
@jan: It really makes it easier for other people to follow if, as Image Analyst suggests, you add your reply to an answer as a comment, rather than as a new answer.

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Teja Muppirala
Teja Muppirala le 14 Mai 2013
Is it that you just don't want the bar graph that comes up with HIST? If you call it with output arguments, you can get the values without the bar graph.
Then you can just plot those as a line.
data = randn(1,10000);
[N,X] = hist(data,30);


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