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How to 'Mirror Image' my Vectors

7 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Maskus Kit
Maskus Kit le 16 Mar 2021
Hello friends,
Been struggling with what might be a simple issue but can't seem to figure out. I have two vectors that are a 'mirror image' of themselves when plotted. Can anyone help me reorient them properly? I have tried flipud and fliplr but no success!
Attached the mirror image and the x and y vectors in spreadsheet. Any ideas will be deeply appreciated!
  5 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 16 Mar 2021
To check the obvious: if you are using GIS, then are you making sure you use longitude -> x and latitude -> y, and that latitude corresponds to rows in MATLAB arrays and that longitude corresponds to columns in MATLAB arrays?
Maskus Kit
Maskus Kit le 16 Mar 2021
@Walter Roberson Those are correct, the x (longitudes) and y (latitudes).

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Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson le 16 Mar 2021
If your yellow point-markers are supposed to lie on/in/over the stream (river?) then you might have to either rotate their coordinates around the centre of the scene, or perhaps mirror the coordinates on the diagonal. For the latter case I attach a function that mirror points relative to a line.
  7 commentaires
Maskus Kit
Maskus Kit le 17 Mar 2021
@Bjorn Gustavsson Works perfectly! Thanks :)
Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson le 17 Mar 2021
My pleasure!
(Please share/upload the corrected points-overlayed-on-image figure - it would bring me(us?) joy...)

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