Retime data aggregation for ID
1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Afficher commentaires plus anciens
le 26 Avr 2021
Réponse apportée : Eric Sofen
le 4 Mai 2021
Hello everyone,
I'm going to calculate the monthly average of daily temperatures grouping by sensor using retime function. At the moment I'm trying to select each sensor with a loop and then apply the retime function, but I have to calculate six million rows so I would like to avoid a loop to speed up the calculation
I give an example:
Time = datetime({'18-feb-2021';'19-feb-2021';...
Temp = [56.82;62.72;64.52;63.81;63.45;59.7;60.27;61.32];
Sensor = [12;12;12;12;13;13;13;13];
TT = timetable(Time,Sensor,Temp);
Current code:
uni_sensor = unique(Sensor);
monthly_ds = timetable;
parfor kk = 1:length(uni_sensor)
index_retime = find(TT.Sensor == uni_sensor(kk));
sensor_retime = TT(index_retime,:);
monthly_data = retime(sensor_retime(:,2), 'monthly', 'mean');
data_sensor_retime = array2table(repmat(uni_sensor(kk), size(monthly_data, 1),1), 'VariableNames', "Sensor" );
monthly_sub_id = [monthly_data, data_sensor_retime];
monthly_ds = [monthly_ds; monthly_sub_id];
Desired output:
Time = datetime({'feb-2021';'feb-2021';...
Temp = [59.77;61.575;64.165;60.795];
Sensor = [12;12;13;13];
TT_out = timetable(Time,Sensor,Temp);
Thanks in advance,
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Réponse acceptée
Marco Riani
le 27 Avr 2021
I think in this example it is unnecessary to use retime.
I would proceed as follows.
TT = table(findgroups(string(Time2)),Sensor,Temp);
groupvars={'Sensor' 'Var1'};
Instead of using groupsummary it is possible to use grpstats. Please let us know which between groupsummary and grpstats is faster.
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Eric Sofen
le 4 Mai 2021
Another approach is to unstack the timetable based on the sensor ID, so you'd have a wide timetable with separate variables temp_12, temp_13, ..., then apply retime to that without a need for grouping. I don't know if it would be faster than Marco's findgroups approach (which is quite clever), and having the sensor IDs embedded in the table variable names may or may not be useful in the long run, but it's yet another way to tackle this problem.
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